Grant and Sleeter (2000) agreed that “Multicultural teaching can be challenging when it forces you to step outside your comfort zone and to act in ways that may differ from who you see yourself as being (p.16).
Sleeter (2005) …show more content…
4). Multicultural education dismiss the idea of rejecting a human being in any way in school or within society and recognizes the differences it has.
Grant and Sleeter (2000) agreed that “Multicultural teaching can be challenging when it forces you to step outside your comfort zone and to act in ways that may differ from who you see yourself as being (p.16).
Sleeter (2005) found out that “researchers consistently find expectations of many teachers to vary according to students’ race and class background” (p.127).
Sleeter said that “Everyone needs to see her own reality mirrored in the curriculum. Students who experience curriculum mainly as a window into someone else's world often disengage after a while.”(2005)
According to Banks and Gee (2009) “Multicultural education is also a reform movement that is trying to change the schools and other educational institutions so that the students from all social-class, gender, racial, language, and culture groups will have an equal opportunity to learn”(p.4). It is supposed to be in constantly movement to be adapted to not deprive students’ education in any context or differences between