Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet
Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left-hand column. Complete the matrix.
Part II: Write a summary.
Part III: Format references consistent with APA guidelines.
|Part I: Matrix |What is the group’s history in the United |What is the group’s population in the |What are some attitudes and customs people|What is something you admire about |
| |States? |United States? |of this group may practice? |this group’s people, lifestyle, or |
| | | | |society? |
| |African-American history starts in the 17th |2005 U.S. Census figures, some 39.9 |Grandmother is usually in charge of the |Being a strong, determined people. |
| |century with indentured servitude in British |million African Americans live in the |family. Many African Americans are Baptist|Strong family ties even without a |
| |America and progresses onto the election of |United States, comprising 13.8% of the |Christians. The African American church is|father in evidence. Artistic talent |
| |Barack Obama as the 44th and current |total population |their center focal point of their |Ability to survive. Beauty of their |
| |President of the United States. Between those| |communities and homes. Music is very |ancestral culture. |
| |landmarks there were other events and issues,| |important for African Americans and many | |
| |both resolved and ongoing, that were faced by| |forms of mainstream music have African | |
| |African-Americans. Some of these were | |origins. The African American's ingenuity | |
| |slavery, reconstruction, development of the | |embodies the saying, " if life gives you | |
| |African- American community, participation in| |lemons, make lemonade" or "perseverance in| |
| |the great military conflicts of the United | |being faced with ridiculous odds" | |
| |States, racial segregation, and the Civil | | | |
| |Rights Movement | | | |
| |Hispanics in the U.S. have a Wide-ranging, |Hispanics comprise about 11% of the U.S. |Family ties are very strong. Preserving |Family ties, respect for elders and |
| |history spanning more than four hundred years|population, including 3.6 million residing|the Spanish language within the family. |authorities, preservation of their |
| |and varying from region to region within the |in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. |Importance and value is placed on good |culture, cuisine, and language |
| |United States. The first confirmed landing in| |appearance. 90% of the Spanish-speaking | |
| |the continental US was by a Spaniard, Juan | |world is Roman Catholic. Lunch, referred | |
| |Ponce de Leon, in 1513 From then till present| |as el almuerzo, usually is the main meal | |
| |day the Hispanics an America are a driving | |of the day. Patriarchal society. | |
| |force in our population. | | | |
| |Filipino sailors were the first to settle in |2000 Census, 11.9 million, or 4.2 percent,|High educational level. Patriarchal |Belief system, art, cuisine, ethics, |
| |the U.S. around 1750. The Gold Rush in 1848 |reported Asian. This number included 10.2 |family, major contributors to the American|and familial obligations of respecting|
| |led to large scale immigration of Chinese. |million people, or 3.6 percent, who |economy, notable contributions to science |elders. |
| |Starting in 1865, the Chinese became railroad|reported only Asian and 1.7 million |and technology, Asian Americans are | |
| |workers on the Transcontinental Railroad. |people, or 0.6 percent, who reported Asian|sometimes characterized as a model | |
| |Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This act |as well as one or more races |minority because the culture encourages a | |
| |barred virtually all immigration from China | |strong work ethic, a respect for elders, a| |
| |and prevented all Chinese already in the U.S.| |high degree of professional and academic | |
| |from becoming U.S. citizens Chinatowns became| |success, and a high valuation of family, | |
| |isolated communities as a matter of survival.| |education and religion. | |
| |The United States of America is a Western |2010 U.S. Census reported 308,745,538 |American culture includes both |Ingenuity, diversity of its |
| |culture, having been originally influenced by|residents,[1] making the United States the|conservative and liberal elements, |inhabitants, freedoms that are |
| |European cultures. Chief early influences |third most populous country in the world |military and scientific competitiveness, |non-existent in other countries |
| |came from English and Irish settlers of | |political structures, risk taking and free| |
| |colonial America | |expression, materialist and moral | |
| | | |elements. U.S. is one of the most | |
| | | |religious (primarily Christian) in terms | |
| | | |of its demographics. Most Americans today | |
| | | |identify themselves as middle class; | |
| | | |Automobiles play a great role in American | |
| | | |culture. | |
| | | |Literature contemporary with the period of| |
| |The fall of the Iron Curtain brought the end |Figures for the population of Europe vary |history in which it is written it will |Traditional values, customs are often |
| |of the East-West division in Europe. The |according to which definition of European |capture ideas, social stereotypes, and |very old, originating thousands of |
| |earliest known distinctions between east and |boundaries is used. The population within |environments, and simulations of actual |years ago when nomads and farmers the |
| |west in Europe originate in the history of |the standard physical geographical |events from the region and period. The |Slavic peoples populated the area. |
| |the Roman Republic. Eastern Europe was mainly|boundaries was 731 million in 2005 |display of deeply felt emotions thru art, |Ancient pagan rituals relating to the |
| |composed of all the European countries |according to the United Nations. In 2010 |literature and music. Many famous |seasons and agricultural cycles with |
| |liberated and then occupied by the Soviet |the population is 857 million, using a |authors, poets and musicians. Strong |the holidays of Christianity (often |
| |army after WWII. |definition which includes the whole of the|family ties even in the Soviet era |Eastern Orthodoxy). Very stoic but |
| | |transcontinental countries of Russia and | |when befriended they are extremely |
| | |Turkey. Population growth is comparatively| |loyal |
| | |slow, and median age comparatively high in| | |
| | |relation to the world's other continents. | | |
| |Islam is a religion that began in the 7th |approximately 1.2 billion Muslims in the |Central to Islamic belief is the absolute |Art, Cultural contribution to the |
| |century in the Arabian Peninsula. In the |world - 22 per cent of the world's |power of God |world, Mathematics, adherence to |
| |Arabic language, Islam means "submission," |population |Patriarchal society. The roles assigned to|faith. |
| |which in a religious context means submission| |men and women in Islamic theology have | |
| |to God. A person who submits is called a | |often come under fire in the | |
| |Muslim, which is also the word for a follower| |Judeo-Christian world, mostly due to | |
| |of the religion of Islam. Middle East has | |misunderstandings of Islam's position on | |
| |been a major center of world affairs. | |gender roles, or the corruption of | |
| | | |Qur'anic doctrine by present-day political| |
| | | |leaders in Muslim countries | |
| | |
|Part II: | |
|Analysis |Summarize what you learned from this activity in a 350-700 word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. Use the following questions to |
| |guide your writing: |
| | |
| |How has U.S. society used each group’s culture to construct the group identity? How has each group been stereotyped? How accurate are these stereotypes? |
| | |
| |How does the social concept of race relate to each group? What prejudice has each group faced? |
| | |
| |How do the behavior and thinking patterns of U.S. culture apply to each group, especially regarding class systems and employment? |
| | |
| |America. One would think America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. The all American dream? One would think the American dream is a concept accepted by |
| |all cultures achieved the same way through hard work, education, and good home base for support. Cultures are viewed different and have different perspectives on life |
| |through owns past and present experiences, stereotypes, advances, behaviors, and all of the things that define a culture in society. |
| |I am of a Western European descent with a dash of American Indian for good measure, in my point of view we Americans are a very diverse group with different shades of |
| |skin color, hair textures, shapes and sizes. Amazing one might say, but we were not always this way. Americans in the beginning of our nation were all of British |
| |extraction. The few who were not were enslaved and or the Indians whom we displaced in our greed. |
| |At first we were came here to escape the tyranny of British rule and to enjoy the freedom of practicing our own religious belief. We separated from our families and |
| |started to lose our heritage. That is a testament on the conviction of our forefather’s belief in the human rights that all men are entitled to. Now our country is |
| |populated with all walks of life and we as a country still have more freedoms than any other country of the world. |
| |Other cultures are special in their own way as well. Muslim Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans are a testament to how culture defines America. They came |
| |here and brought a different outlook on life, but that’s probably from their homeland because they haven’t been exposed to the “American Way”. Muslim, Asian, and Hispanic|
| |Americans family views, customs, and traditions are different. Some Muslim Americans pray five times a day to be closer to their god. One could look at this and say it is|
| |not accepted and looked at as abnormal behavior, but a Muslim would look at it as a tradition and their form of religion. Asian Americans are looked at as smart educated |
| |society. Society says that anyone who exceeds the normal is smart. Asian Americans pride themselves in hard work, exceeding the norm, and in some cases their government |
| |prides themselves in being better than other countries. Now in American society being better than the competition helps one to advance in the work force, or corporate |
| |world. |
| |What we view as behaviors, or traditions, or the pure drive to be the best as stereotypes. These are simply different culture identities that and outsider looking in |
| |couldn’t possibly understand, the different ways we talk, the god we pray to, the different food we eat, and all the different things that define each and every culture. |
| |What is America? It is a melting pot of a little of this and a little of that, but we all are in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have the right to make|
| |our own choices, a little effort on everyone’s part we will see that we are not that different. |
|Part III: | |
|Sources |Format your sources consistent with APA guidelines. |
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| | MidEast_Culture.htm |
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| |Understanding and Managing Diversity SectionII |
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