Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet
Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left-hand column. Complete the matrix.
Part II: Write a summary.
Part III: Format references consistent with APA guidelines.
|Part I: Matrix |What is the group’s history in |What is the group’s population in|What are some attitudes and customs people of this group |What is something you admire about this group’s|
| |the United States? |the United States? |may practice? |people, lifestyle, or society? |
|Osage Indian Tribe |The Osage were the largest …show more content…
|Most Osage people live in |Today's Osage members may wear moccasins and some may own |I am a descendent from the Osage’s and I was |
| |tribe of the Southern Sioux |Oklahoma today. Today the Osage |deerskin dresses. They typically wear modern clothing; |told by my grandmother that the spelling and |
| |Indians occupying what would |number over 10,000 and are based |however, they save the clothing their ancestors wore for |pronunciation of the Osage people is Wah Zha |
| |later become the states of |in Pawhuska, Oklahoma ("Osage |ceremonies and special occasions. For example, they might |Zhi. |
| |Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska |Nation", 2006). |dress in the traditional way to attend a special dance | |
| |("Osage Nation", 2006).
| |celebration ("Osage Nation", 2006). |According to "Osage Nation" (2006), they |
| | |Today, the Osage chief is elected| |practice by their mission, which is…”To ensure |
| |They are supposed to have |by all the tribal members and the| |the survival of the Wah Zha Zhi Nation of |
| |originally constituted a single|Osages care for their land and | |people, we will share, preserve and celebrate |
| |body living along the lower |their cultural heritage ("Osage | |the values, teachings and tribal ways that our |
| |area of the Ohio river. The |Nation", 2006). | |elders entrusted to the present and future …show more content…
| |Osage Indians are original | | |generations” (Osage Nation Constitution). |
| |people of Oklahoma, Missouri, | | | |
| |Kansas, and Arkansas. In the | | | |
| |past, each Osage band was led | | | |
| |by a chief who was chosen by a | | | |
| |tribal council ("Osage | | | |
| |Nation", 2006). | | | |
|Scandinavian’s |The Viking Age (700-900A.D.) |The Scandinavian population today|Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions are still prevalent |I respect that no other country has a higher |
| |was an important period of |is mainly comprises the region of|today. For Constitution Day, many families traditionally |proportion of women as parliamentarians (43%) |
| |early Scandinavian history. |northern Europe, usually defined |eat a meal of flat bread, thinly sliced dried meats, and |and cabinet ministers (50%), and Sweden leads |
| |That was a time when Viking |as comprising Norway, Sweden, and|milk porridge, with beer or aquavit as a beverage. |the developed world in the percentage of |
| |Norsemen spread throughout |Denmark. It is sometimes used |Christmas meal traditions vary by region and may include |professional and technical workers who are |
| |Europe and as far away as |more broadly to include Finland |roast pork, other meat, or lutefisk. On festive occasions, |women. The proportion of women in the labor |
| |Iceland, Greenland, and North |and Iceland. Today, there are |both restaurants and family meals may feature a kaldt bord |force is the highest worldwide. This is due |
| |America ("Scandinavian Tourist |11–12 million Americans of |with a large array of cold meats, cheeses, shrimp, smoked |both to job opportunities in the public sector,|
| |Board", 2007). |Scandinavian ancestry |or pickled fish, salads, jams, and soft and crisp breads |and to the support that sector provides to |
| | |("Scandinavian Tourist |("Scandinavian Tourist Board", 2007).. |women in private firms. Public child-care |
| | |Board", 2007). | |institutions make it easier for women to work |
| | | | |outside the home ("Scandinavian Tourist |
| | |Scandinavian descendants | |Board", 2007). |
| | |represent about 6% of the white | | |
| | |population in the United States | | |
| | |as a whole, and more than 25% of | | |
| | |the white population of the Upper| | |
| | |Midwest ("Scandinavian Tourist | | |
| | |Board", 2007). | | |
|The French |Unlike other immigrants who |The United States is home to an |An interesting tradition of the French is the fact that |Arts, museum, and fashion are the obvious |
| |came to the United States from |estimated 13 to 16 million people|almost all employees are entitled to 5 weeks of holiday a |cultural strengths I admire of the French. The|
| |other countries, some French |of French descent, or 4 to 5% of |year. August has been the traditional holiday month in |Louvre in Paris is one of the most famous and |
| |Americans arrived prior to the |the US population, particularly |France, with almost all locals clearing out of their cities|the largest art museums in the world, |
| |founding of the United States. |in Louisiana, New England and |to venture to other parts of the world or simply to go |exhibiting the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci,|
| |In many parts of the country, |parts of the Midwest |camping in their own countryside. For those taking their |and classical Greek Venus de Milo and ancient |
| |like the Midwest and Louisiana,|(Levine, 1994-2012). |holidays during the winter months, skiing in the French |works of culture and art from Egypt and the |
| |they were the founders of some | |Alps is the preferred attraction ("", 2012). |Middle East. Paris is the leading capital of |
| |of these villages, cities, and | |A tradition that is popular at weddings is beheading |fashion and design, and home to some of the |
| |first state inhabitants | |bottles of champagne using a specially-made saber….which my|world's biggest fashion houses like Chanel |
| |(Levine, 1994-2012). | |husband can do! |("", 2012). |
|Apache Indian Tribes |The Apache tribe occupied the |According to the US Census Bureau|They conduct celebratory events to help grow a good crop or|Even though the Apaches had lost their lands, |
| |mountains and plains of |Arizona has the largest |heal an ailing member. The Apache also thank the spirits |freedom, and numerous other things, they still |
| |southern Arizona and New |population of 6,392,017 & |for the good things that happened. This is also done with |keep most of ancient traditions and ceremonies |
| |Mexico, and also in Mexico |308,745,538 in the United States |various rituals such as dances or food offerings |with them and consider them to be their most |
| |("Regeneration |("U.S. Census Bureau", 2011). |("Regeneration Reservation", 2011). |valuable estate ("Regeneration |
| |Reservation", 2011).
The Anglo | |. |Reservation", 2011). |
| |theory is the Apache Indian | | |. |
| |migrated to the Southwest from | | | |
| |Northern Canada in the 1500's; | | | |
| |however, the Apache Indian | | | |
| |history says it was the other | | |
| |way around. That the Athapaskan| | | |
| |speaking people migrated to the| | | |
| |North and a few stayed in their| | | |
| |homeland. In any event, it is | | | |
| |generally agreed that about | | | |
| |5,000 Apaches lived in the | | | |
| |Southwest at the end of the | | | |
| |1600's ("Regeneration | | | |
| |Reservation", 2011). | | | |
|Italian’s |Italians and their descendants |In the 2000 U.S. Census, Italian |Italian customs and way of life differs to other Western |Italians do not sit around at restaurants and |
| |played a key role in the |Americans constituted the fifth |cultures in many ways. |drink the rest of the bottle of wine like other|
| |discovery, exploration and |largest ancestry group in America|Such as the Italian work hours of business’ for shops are |cultures. Usually, Italians have their children|
| |settlement of the Americas. The|with about 15.6 million people, |usually from 9.30am to 1.30pm, after which most shops shut |with them because babysitting is not in their |
| |fact that English is the |5.6% of the total U.S. |for siesta time then reopen from 4.30pm to 7.30pm |culture and everything is a family affair. |
| |language spoken in the United |population. Sicilian Americans |("", 2008-2010). |Drinking without eating is frowned upon and |
| |States can be directly |are a subset of numerous | |seen as senseless to the Italians. Wine is |
| |attributed to England's claims |Americans of regional Italian | |truly appreciated and serves to accompany food |
| |in North America |ancestries. As of 2006, the U.S. | |not to become drunk. Some families have a |
| |(Levine, 1994-2012). |Census estimated the | |tradition to serve cranberries or prunes after |
| | |Italian-American population at | |the main meal at night to keep ones digestive |
| | |17.8 million persons, or 6% of | |track healthy. |
| | |the population, constituting a | |("", 2008-2010). |
| | |14% increase over the six year | | |
| | |period ("U.s. Census | | |
| | |Bureau", 2011). | | |
|Russians |The first Russians reached |US communities with high |For generations until the 1930's, Russian life centered on |They accept that their lives are difficult and |
| |America in 1747 when fur |percentages of people of Russian |the agricultural village commune, where the land was held |pride themselves on being able to flourish in |
| |traders arrived in Alaska. Some|ancestry. The top US communities |in common and decision-making was the province of an |conditions that others could not. They take |
| |settled in the area and the |with the highest percentage of |assembly of the heads of households. This affinity for the |great pride in their cultural heritage and |
| |Russian Orthodox Church became |people claiming Russian ancestry |group and the collective spirit remains today. It is seen |expect the rest of the world to admire it. |
| |active in the region in 1795. |are: |in everyday life. For example, most Russians will join a |("Kwintessential Ltd.", 2011). |
| |When Alaska was purchased by |Pikesville, Maryland |table of strangers rather than eat alone in a restaurant. | |
| |the United States in 1867 most |@ 19.30% |Everybody's business is also everyone else's, so strangers | |
| |Russians living in the area |& |will stop and tell someone that they are breaking the | |
| |returned home ("Kwintessential |Roslyn Estates, New |rules. | |
| |Ltd.", 2011) |York @ 18.60% |("Kwintessential Ltd.", 2011). | |
| | |("Kwintessential Ltd.", 2011). | | |
|Part II: |Summarize what you learned from this activity in a 350-700 word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. Use the following questions to guide |
|Analysis |your writing: |
| | |
| |How has U.S. society used each group’s culture to construct the group identity? How has each group been stereotyped? How accurate are these stereotypes? |
| | |
| |How does the social concept of race relate to each group? What prejudice has each group faced? |
| | |
| |How do the behavior and thinking patterns of U.S. culture apply to each group, especially regarding class systems and employment? |
| | |
| |I have learned quite a bit about the above groups I researched for this matrix assignment. Moreover, I have learned about multiculralism and how it promotes diversity and |
| |differences of cultures and societies, which I integrate within my daily life and that of my family. I believe, at least in my world today, all cultures are respected |
| |throughout my world’s society. Meaning I do not witness or perceive any type of racism at all, and really feel everyone I know and I encounter each day generally appreciate |
| |the diverse cultural differences of me and others around us. |
| | |
| |With all of the groups I chose, I learned that America’s multiculturalism as become what it is today and is comprised of many, many groups including the 6 I chose, which |
| |are: American Natives, Scandinavians, Italians, the French, and Russians. This multicultural matrix exhibits how our society is formed by people from many different |
| |countries who migrated to the United States. Multiculturalism is the explanation of how different cultural groups construct a diversified society or group identity like here|
| |in America. I better understand the construction of group identity from this exercise regarding different ethnic group’s descriptions, their history, and the fun facts still|
| |important and practiced today. The most important advantage of our multicultural society is that our labor force is diverse. I really believe that our diversified labor |
| |force only contributes in our society’s success. |
| | |
| |Stereotype is a generalization about a special group or types of individuals. One could say that stereotyping is a popular belief about a particular person or group. During |
| |my research I read several stereotypical assumptions of the American Natives that I feel are unjust. Such as lazy, drinking, dysfunctional society within their own |
| |reservations. However, the two tribes I researched argued that assumption and expressed and proved much success and opportunity within both tribes. I believe most people |
| |stereotype other groups through ignorance, when one is unable to comprehend the differences of others. In this situation, I think some people believe what they read or heard|
| |through unconfirmed sources. .However, many stereotypical generalizations are reasonably accurate, because each of us made a generalization and the root of this |
| |generalization is founded in our personal experiences, and are usually multiple occurrences. |
| | |
| |Prejudice is another word which explains our knowledge about unknown cultures, beliefs, groups, or differences in individuals. The prejudice is a prejudgment or preconceived|
| |judgment about someone or something, which generally include race, gender, ethnicity and social classes. Prejudice is also known as a belief without knowledge of the total |
| |fact. Unfortunately, all of the groups I chose were subjected to both stereotyping and prejudice. However, the Scandinavian immigrants seem to have been the most accepted |
| |group out of the 6 I chose. The American Indian Native communities seemed to be the groups which experienced it the most, and still do to this day. |
| | |
| |The social concepts of stereotyping and expressing prejudice are still grossly practiced today, but I believe as older generations’ parish and younger generations grow, |
| |unification is definitely possible. However, on the basis of these social concepts like stereotype and prejudice we are able to make some decisions or attitude about society|
| |or culture of people or groups of people. For example, some people have attitudes about Native Americans, on the basis of generalized history and pictures without pursuing |
| |the knowledge of total facts. Attitudes like this will assume that Native Americans are lazy, unintelligent, and short-tempered. Or that all Italians drink wine and eat all |
| |day long. I think every ethnicity or person has faced these social concepts at one time or another. Such social concepts affect the behavior and thinking pattern of people. |
| |In America these behaviors and thinking patterns are also affected by these social concepts, and unfortunately are prevalent through behaviors and thinking patterns seen in |
| |our educational systems and employment selection still today, which is why most organizations have implemented affirmative action plans to prohibit such absurd behaviors and|
| |beliefs to thrive. |
|Part III: |Format your sources consistent with APA guidelines. |
|Sources | |
| | (2012). Retrieved from |
| |Kwintessential, Ltd. (2011). Retrieved from |
| |Levine, R. A. (1994-2012). RAND Corporation. Retrieved from |
| |Osage Nation. (2006). Retrieved from |
| |Regeneration Reservation. (2011). Retrieved from |
| | (2008-2010). Retrieved from |
| |Scandinavian Tourist Board. (2007). Retrieved from |
| |U.S. Census Bureau. (2011). Retrieved from |