make an appearance in Australia in the last few years and a new hatch can now be purchased new from $11K which is very cheap for Australia. Another Chinese car firm focuses very heavily in their ads the price difference making it their key selling point pointing out the 4WD is $24,990 and other brands start at $40K.
Multi-culturally we are diverse but English language is predominant, it is not very common to have non-english speaking people living here full-time, all adds and services are in English.
There are some specialty shops for example one might find this in Chinatown where they focus on Chinese speaking clients and importing goods from China. These speciality shops cater for their target audience and provide access to products and service snot found commonly elsewhere. These shops and services are not common. One aspect of the multiculturalism that stands out is our hospitality and food industry, as our ancestors who immigrated to Australia and we still have a lot of ongoing immigration, this continues to add diversity to our culture and foods. Due to this many cultural styles and flavours can be found. Take my local area, I could go to many kinds of restaurants and eateries catering for: Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Turkish, Thai, English, Lebanese, French, Armenian, Belgian, Greek, Iranian, Japanese, Korean, Indian and Indonesian. I could keep listing them. On top of this we have mixed where people have taken aspects of particular cultural tastes and styles and applied a mixed and Australian flair to them. This applies not only to food but other cultural aspects and even services.
As we are very multi-cultural, this mixture is seen quite positively for the most part, it is common to see a mixture of people from different backgrounds in say a Turkish restaurant, it would
not be only be filled with people of Turkish descent there.
While there are some distinctive market done utilising Aussie behaviour and mannerisms in their ads a lot of our advertising can be seen to be on par with general British and US advertising. If the marketing ad was not specific regionally or culturally to a part of UK or USA, this ad would in most cases be suitable for the general Australian audience.