The Challenges of Ethnic Diversity: Is Multiculturalism Successful in Sweden?
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Multiculturalism is a diverse body of knowledge which can still be recognized as a philosophy. Ethnic diversity is one of the crucial concerns in nations across the globe. Culture forms what people do, the manner things are done, and the manner people appreciate what others do. Ethnicity is associated with the prevalence of multiculturalism. Diminished to something eternal, ethnicity is associated with the immigrant cultures and tradition-bound immigrants. In Europe, the word ‘multiculturalism’ has no permanent definition, either in scholarly and cultural discourse, or in daily political debate. This paper seeks to determine success of multiculturalism in Sweden.
Introduction Multiculturalism is a diverse body of knowledge which can still be recognized as a philosophy (Ellingson, 2009). Multiculturalism is distinguished as a commemoration of ethnocultural diversity, encouraging people to recognize and accept the panoply of traditions, customs, cuisine, and music that is present in a multiethnic community (Kimlycka, 2012). Ethnic diversity is one of the crucial concerns in nations across the globe. Such diversity is the result of the augmenting influx of global factors, goods, as well as knowledge which promoted the global interfaces and collaborations happening within an increasingly varied number of individuals. As globalization increased, the conventional unicultural labor segment has slowly weakened into obscurity. As demographic shifts and technological innovations have now changed the economic landscape in which organizations manage business, globalization has in the same way impacted the current diversified society.
Culture forms what people do, the manner things are done, and the manner people appreciate what
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