In today’s society, if we see the initials “DR” before someone's name, most of the time, we automatically believe everything he or she says. …show more content…
She informs the reader that a person's reaction time is thirty five percent slower than normal when sending a text while driving. She then follow ups with informing the reader that the texting while driving reaction time is slower that driving under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. However, Tugend skips over the main repercussion of texting while driving: death. Texting while driving can lead to death. That does not mean it will happen everytime, or that death will only come to the driver who is sending the text, but it is a true statement. Someone who is sending a text while driving can kill not only themselves, but those around them, whether that be another driver on the road, a pedestrian on the sidewalk, or even a passenger sitting a seat away from them. If Tugend would have included a story about someone losing their life over texting while driving, the report could have made more of an impact, rather than just a simple thought of, “Do I multitask too