2008). People do multitasking to finish their multiple works in short amount of time, such as, watching television while typing essay. This sound like it is a good advantage of multitasking, but it’s not, because multitasking has many disadvantages. Recently, research shows that multitasking affects brain. The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and performance reported a 2001 study by Joshua Rubinstein, David Meyer and Jeffery Evans on brains executive control process that during multitasking there are two processing stages. First, there is a goal shifting, in which brain decides to do a new task instead of the original task. Second, there is a rule in which brain activation in which the brain turns off the rules associated with the task and turns on the rules associated with second task (Jarmon, Amy L. 2008). Furthermore, it also divides our attention between two tasks; having our attention divided into different tasks gives a higher chance of missing some details. As a result, it decreases the quality of our output, so that is why it is much better to finish the job than do another job. Doing multitasking will continue over stimulate our brain. Another, disadvantage would be that multitasking would give lots of stress. People try to perform multiple jobs at once, they get stressed out by changing the work and people would have a hard time finishing the …show more content…
For instance, multitasking can save lots of time, basically, multiple jobs can be done in less time. It means it could help people with time management. Furthermore, ability to multitask effectively would sound appealing to job employers, for example, employees at fast food restaurants have to work on multiple things to give out order in small amount of time. Multitasking can also keep person occupied, especially, to impatient person. For example, if a person is waiting for phone call from someone till than he or she can do something else. It can help person not to lose