Using cellphone while driving.
Science keep demonstrating that driving and at the same time calling, texting, and not focusing on the road is deadly. Multitasking while driving should be abolished everywhere. There have been a lot of accidents because of people texting or calling while driving .It not only affect the person with the cellphone , the persons who are in the other can that is hit also get injured and family members too. Using the cellphone while driving can kill and should be outlawed. What makes so dangerous is that you are not focusing on road. In the article How the Brain reacts by Marcel Just and Tim Keller -Marcel is a D.O professor of psychology and director of the center for Cognitive
Brain Imaging at Carnegie Mellon University and Tim is a senior research at the center. They are co-authors of a study about the decrease in brain activation when people are driving and listening to someone speak- , show the brain activity when driving without distraction, and while listening to sentences. The brain that is listening its spatial processing decreased by 37 percent. This shows that almost half of the brain activity is gone, just by hearing some sentences. A lot of people drive while calling and nothing happen, but don’t think that it can’t happen to you. Not only calling, but texting too .In the article The Science Behind Distracted Driving b