Material:Text- Skeleton Meets the Mummy by Steve Metzger
Sheet divided in 4 squares for 4 predictions
Standard(s)/GLE: 2.RL.7 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting or plot.
Essential Question: How does making predictions help good readers understand the text better?
Learning Objective(s)/ Student Learning Outcome:
LO Make predictions and ask questions about the text. Students will record their predictions by illustration or sentences.
Explicit Instruction (Mini-Lesson including modeling, demonstration):
Read title of the story. Think out loud what the story could be about. Take some ideas from some children. Give children a piece of paper with 4 squares to record their predictions during the story.
Guided practice: Read the story stopping on the following pages for the children to record their predictions on their paper… stop at page 13 and have them write or draw what they think is following skeleton- stop at page 17 next prediction… ask them if their predictions are the same, why or why not? On page 23 What is Sammy’s idea? Write it. On page 19 who is the mummy?
Independent Practice/Differentiated Grouping
. The students will record their predictions at their skill level. For children that need more support, they can illustrate their picture and discuss with a partner.
Assessment: Their prediction sheet will show if their predictions matched the ideas of the text.
Check all that apply:
___ informal _X__ formal ___ formative ___ summative
Student Reflection/Lesson Closure:
Before the story ends, have children share with a partner on the rug their predictions and discuss—what part of the story makes them think this way, did their predictions change or stay the same? Why or why not?
Teacher Reflection: