Charles was found on his back with his feet on the stairs and his head on the floor. Margaret said that Charles had been “coming down for another drink.” If you walk downstairs and trip, then when you fall either you’ll land on your front or you’ll roll and land on your back with your head on the stairs. Charles did not fall this way. This suggests that the body was staged, and it also suggests that Margaret lied. She wouldn’t need to lie if it was an accident. Therefore, she killed him.
Furthermore, the glass was still in Charles’s hand, unbroken. If you fall while carrying something downstairs, you will drop what you’re carrying to try to stop your fall. In this case, Charles didn’t drop his glass, so once again we can’t believe he fell like Margaret said he did. The glass had to be planted which means this was no accident. Margaret’s lying, and she killed Charles.
Finally, we also know that Margaret arrived home ten minutes before her friends arrived. In addition, Margaret and Charles had gotten into a fight earlier that night. This suggests that Margaret had both the opportunity and motive to kill Charles. This just makes her more of a prime suspect in this case.
In conclusion, all our evidence shows that Margaret is a vindictive killer. This woman should not be allowed to freely roam the streets. Arrest