12/26/2011 |
Noun Extraction: * Concise Problem Definition
The system that provide two interfaces: one that interact with visitor with less privileges and the other one that interact with staff (admin) with more privileges. * Informal Strategy
The main interface that provides two options either click on GIUDE or START. If visitor clicks on GIUDE option, help tools (PDF, pictures and videos) will appear in new interface. Also, if visitor clicks on START option, user starts locating items in the museum and find out more about items that are on display and print it by using printer if wants. Moreover, if staff uses system, s/he can log in as an administrator by clicking in login icon. Then, staff can make changes in system by add or delete items with details and put it in right place in map and add new exhibits information. Also, staff can use system as visitor to be sure that system work fine with visitor.
* Formalize the strategy
* Interface, option, tools, PDF, pictures, videos, system, items, visitor, museum, printer, staff, administrator, icon, details, place, map, exhibits information. * Exclude:
Option, tools, PDF, pictures, videos, items, museum, icon, details, place, map, exhibits information, system, and printer, and staff. * Candidate Classes * Interface, visitor, staff, and administrator
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* First Iteration of class Diagram
* Second Iteration of class Diagram * Regular user class is added to make class diagram more efficient.
* CRC Cards
RESPONSIBILITY 1. Guide user to help tools 2. Display requested models 3. View Exhibits news 4. Locate item from map
COLLABORATION 1. Class Administrator Account 2. Class Regular User
Administrator Account
1. Add items to the system 2. Edit the data