What makes music popular?
Over 90% of responses have said that 3 things make a good song. Those three factors are lyrics, a melody line and a catchy rhythm (Forum.emusictheory.com, 2014). My survey I created has reached a result to this question that most people said that the best type of music is the one with the most meaning. They said that the lyrics of the song make it good because they like that it has meaning and songs without meaning are worth nothing. Another factor they said that makes a popular song is that it has to be in tune and in sync with the beat. If the beat does not flow with the lyrics than it will just be awkward and hard to follow (Survey Monkey, My Survey, 2014). From the teachers, music students, store workers and other individuals I interviewed they all had different types of music in which they like to listen to. They all agreed with the other people’s opinions but because they know more about music they also had different responses and added other factors which contributed as to what makes music popular. They said that certain types of instruments and objects can make a difference.
What makes music unpopular?
As shown in the Yahoo answers blog, the general public opinionated about what bad music is. These people think that bad music is either something out of tune, a song without a meaning or is just the opposite of what makes a good piece of music. From the people I interviewed and the people who answered my survey, majority of them said that the only thing that can make a song bad is if it is out of beat because then it is just too hard to listen to. In 2012 a survey was conducted asking American teenagers which genre of music they would most prefer to listen too. The results came in and said that 18.4% of teenagers would prefer to listen to pop more than any other style and Latin American, World Beat and Ska all equalled on an extremely low 0.2%. This survey shows that