Lesson #5
Teacher Candidate Aaron Alford School Lead Hill School
Mentor Teacher Grade/Subject Music Theory 9th grade
UCA Supervisor Powers Date November 3, 2012_ Time ____________
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.8.7 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea
C.3.MT.2 Evaluate the contributions of musical composers from a variety of time periods.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Praxis III uses the term Goals (TPOA - A2)
List your objectives for student learning for this lesson. In other words, what do you want the students to learn? In parentheses after each objective, cite the Arkansas Curriculum Framework Student Learning Expectation. An example of an objective might be: “Students will be able to identify independent variables and dependent variables.” Set your objectives at the high levels of Bloom’s taxonomy more frequently than those at the lower levels.
Academic Objective(s):
Students will write a short biography of their selected influential composer. (C.3.MT.2)
Students will, in groups, compose a song about their composer and present it to the class. (C.3.MT.2)
Affective [Social/Emotional/Behavioral] Objective(s):
Students will communicate respectfully in groups
Students will show respectful listening skills during presentations
Why have you chosen these objectives? How are the objectives appropriate for the whole class, including students with diverse learning needs? What prior knowledge and skills do your students need to accomplish these objectives?
I chose these objectives so that students can learn the importance of a composers life in relation to why they wrote certain pieces. Having the students write a song about a composer will help them remember the composers life but