“Music therapy is not going to change the course of the disease,” cautions Hanser, “but it will allow the person to temporarily engage and be much more capable of communication more clearly.” There are two types of music therapy: active and passive. Active therapy uses real instruments to engage the patient while passive therapy merely is listening to recorded music to help trigger the past. Music therapists then work directly with the patients themselves, the family members, and the caregivers to find the best music to reach a certain goal of therapy. Those goals
“Music therapy is not going to change the course of the disease,” cautions Hanser, “but it will allow the person to temporarily engage and be much more capable of communication more clearly.” There are two types of music therapy: active and passive. Active therapy uses real instruments to engage the patient while passive therapy merely is listening to recorded music to help trigger the past. Music therapists then work directly with the patients themselves, the family members, and the caregivers to find the best music to reach a certain goal of therapy. Those goals