Fine arts always have been a good way to express oneself for thousand years. One of them is a magical and a powerful way to affect people,both negatively and positively. Music is not just a way to fun or just an art. Almost everyone loves it,some of them say that they can not live without it. However,above all,music is able to do many things. There are a lot of ways that music effects people.
As it was mentioned above, music has both negative and possitive effects on us. But these effects are usually possitive. First of all, and it is the most interesting affect maybe, it can cure diseases. Of course it can not be as effective as pills but it really helps during the cure. Due to the fact that music has an enormous affect on humain brain, it helps Alzheimers mostly and it is used as a rehabilitation. It reduces the worst effect of the disease: it brings back the lost memories. Until today, a lot of patients made a good progress by listening to music. In addition, music also repairs patients’ brains damage, like ‘Kenny Roger Effect’. It is a vacation that shows how music can repair a human brain. ‘Because songs by country performer Rogers were among the stroke patients’ preferred tunes,we were thinking of calling this the Kenny Rogers Effect.’ was said in an interview by Dr Soto. And interestingly, Rogers’ songs also provided the greatest benefits, according to some study findings. Another disease which music can be used as a cure is cancer, maybe the most dangerous one ever. Just like in Alzheimer, there are a lot of good examples which can prove music’s effects on cancer. Firstly, it reduces stress and makes people feel more cheerful. We all know that what kind of songs we listen to can change our mood easily, we can suddenly start crying or feeling better just by listening to music. During the cancer rehabilitation, patients’ moods, feelings and thoughts are very important. Music can raise patients’ spirit and help them to feel better