46% of Americans believe that Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence among its believers (More Than Prayers Needed To Combat Hate). Through books, magazines, newspapers, television, movies, video games, music, the Internet, the U.S. government has destroyed the good name of a group of people and portrayed them as dangers to society post 9/11. Hollywood has completely ridiculed the stature of innocent Muslims everywhere in America because of 9/11, a disaster carried and supported by only an extremely small percentage of Muslims. But all Muslims must suffer the consequences of the bombing of the World Trade Twin Towers. The media of the United States’ government has been discriminatory …show more content…
society that Congress had to lash out on the issue. In the daily lives of Muslims, they are vulnerable to be insulted and tagged as “terrorists.” The people belonging to Islamic culture are in some cases, abused not just emotionally but physically, due to their religion. The fuel for all this racism erupted from a bombing only performed by a few radical Muslims but the conservatives, the whole, also receive hate. American government has perceived Islam as an evil religion that has infected our country. As Muslims’ reputation became worse, so did their lives. It became harder for them to function in a society where they are constantly put down. Racism has been apparent in their day-to-day lives and slurs begin to become accepted to use. Mischa Thompson wrote:
Participants were concerned by the use of the term “Islamophobia”, which currently describes attitudes and behaviors ranging from hate crimes to housing discrimination and has led to unclear and inconsistent use. Several participants noted that the term leads all problems experienced by Muslims to be viewed as religious based, when race, culture, and socio-economic factors have also been cited as reasons for tensions and problems.