the state of a mindless drone. From this, it can be inferred that soma is simply another medium for the State to manipulate the behaviour of its people to maintain ‘social stability’, or in other words, ensuring an iron grip on how its people are allowed to think. How the entire passage is written gives to the oxymoron of controlled happiness: the passage is extremely explicit as it uses a tone which is suggestive of what one must do (which is depicted by how the passage is almost entirely dedicated to how much soma a person must take to achieve certain effects), instead of what one should do.
the state of a mindless drone. From this, it can be inferred that soma is simply another medium for the State to manipulate the behaviour of its people to maintain ‘social stability’, or in other words, ensuring an iron grip on how its people are allowed to think. How the entire passage is written gives to the oxymoron of controlled happiness: the passage is extremely explicit as it uses a tone which is suggestive of what one must do (which is depicted by how the passage is almost entirely dedicated to how much soma a person must take to achieve certain effects), instead of what one should do.