I start with my father because he is my teacher, role model, and the one who has supported me even though I give him no reason to trust me. My father is an easy man to explain because I have never seen anything but good morals in ever action he makes. He taught me from an early age that no good comes from spite or malice that it only perpetuates a cycle of pain that ropes us all into negativity. His best moment in teaching me was at his scrap yard when he used to employ me. I was moving equipment and something came off of my lift, oblivious to my surroundings I was almost run over by a twenty ton …show more content…
The daze I was in as an adolescent was the most difficult maze I have ever completed. It seemed that no matter what way I turned despair was waiting to take me down another peg until I felt the only way out was a gun to my head. I share this not to garner sympathy but to show who I was and to explain who it made me today which is a man who cares. In my fragile state it was often my thought that I had been left to wander by myself in my mind, to suffer through thoughts that ripped my soul apart and left me with less than nothing. It want until I had been broken that I was able to realize my purpose in this world and that was to heal others and teach them how to