While I was in 8th grade we had an AZAA/BBGG weekend sports league that allowed a standard time where people from across the region could come, hang out, and participate in athletic events. This will increase the face-time members from across the region have with each other.
BIGGER Growth is going to be one of our three main goal s for the next year. I will work with our Morim network to bring membership above 700 members. But growth is not just for membership, but for attendance as well. The Mazkirim network will also be tasked with increasing convention attendance within the region, and for summer programs.
FASTER Programming within our region has a history of being extremely strong, but the frequency is very low. Just having chapter meeting a week will become the bare minimum for all chapter. We will expand programming to allow higher participation in events. In addition we will also encourage and facilitate chapters in having more frequent Shabbat programs to reach BBYO’s goal of more meaningful Jewish experiences. We will re-instantiate the AZAA/BBGG sports league to allow for more interregional