up north really don't do what we do in the south. Also I have a very small song selection the only type of songs I like are rap songs. I was raised by kinda a bad neighborhood so that's probably the main reason that I only listen to rap.
This has a part of my cultural identity because of where I was raised, because a lot of people that are not really raised where I was probably dont even listen to that type of music. Also the schools I went too probably had a part of the music and the way that I do things. They also have some violent songs down here in the south all over and not a lot of states are like that. Another part of my cultural identity is that I play video games and i think that that's part of my cultural identity because that's is what I do a lot of the
time. Video games had a good impact on my life sometimes I just like to kick back and play video games. It is relaxing when you are doing good it's fun. I like to play call of duty sometimes is action as in keeps you company. A good time to play video games is when you are home alone after school while i am waiting for my mom to get home. Some games can change your mood to good or bad. But if you play too much video games you can get fat and I like working out so everything works out fine.