In my many experience I have had the pleasure of riding the go carts, the roundup, the hammer and lastly the Ferris wheel which is the most terrifying one of all. The look of that big monstrous looming wheels spinning round and round. It was huge and noisy. Even the sound of its engine brings to mind a film from the horror movies. The screams of the could be heard from the very tip. They hold on for their life and when it reaches to the ground you can see scared look on their faces. They can’t wait for the ride to come to an end.
My first ride on the Ferris wheel gave me an instant rush of adrenaline. I felt the hairs on my body raised, as the death defying ride begins. I could feel the bile rising deep within me reaching to my throat, I feel an instant need to puke, when the ride begins, I hold on to the handle as it gain speed, I feel so numb like I am in an out of body experience then I find my voice and scream out, my eye fills with water and I can only hope it come to an end soon. Over and over it rotates, it does a dramatic pause to the top and