As a person who loves to dream about exotic places, I often browse the net just to look for beautiful pictures from all over the world. But there are no other images that I love the most than those of Santorini in Greece.
The first time I saw one of the photographs at TrekEarth capturing the white little houses that scattered all over the island which had the expansive view of the Aegean sea in contrasting bright white and navy blue, I couldn’t help but thinking how it’d feel like to really be there.
Surprisingly enough, not many people of whom I’ve conversed with have actually ever heard about this place. They know of Greece but they know nothing about the island. Even in Discovery Travel & Adventure Channel program called ‘Seductive Seaside Resorts’ – which I bought because I was thrilled to see any motion pictures of Santorini when it was mentioned at the back of the DVD cover – Santorini was placed at the lowest rank, which was no. 10, and that was ironic considering that Amankila Resort in Bali was placed further up the higher scale at no. 2!
But I fall in love with the simplicity of it so much that not even the glitzy night lights and the designer shops in New York or Paris can tempt me with. Some people might favour Paris for its romantic atmosphere, or Rome for its ancient sculptures and paintings, but it is Santorini that really captures my heart all the time.
It’s not so much the exoticity of it that really enchants me, but the idea that this volcanic island is filled with houses that are so uniformly monochromatic when looked from afar, as if all the dwellers have had some sort of agreement not to use any other paints to paint their residencies in any other colors except white, blue, and various hues of yellows and oranges. And the uneven path that goes up and down along the houses makes it seem like there are so many things to be explored there, and that anywhere you turn, the view of the Aegean Sea welcomes you