Did you know that in 2009 there were about 11.3 million immigrants in the United States (pewresearch.org )
.This essay will tell you the best ways for people from other countries to adjust to living in the United States.This topic is very interesting because i’m sure like me you had no idea that there was this many immigrants in the United States. It is very hard or it is not that easy for immigrants to adjust to the american culture.
The obstacles of adjusting to a new country can sometimes be very difficult.One way to adjust to a new country is to try to make friends.By you making friends they can help you understand their rules. The friends you make in the U.S. can also help you understand laws, culture, and the way
we do stuff, so you won’t be clueless.
When you first arrive to the United States you don’t have that many sources to help you. Some sources that the U.S. have for immigrants are citizenship classes. These classes help immigrants learn culture, laws, rules, and do’s and dont’s. After you finish these classes you can take the USCIS test so that you can be a legal citizen(my.uscis.gov).
It is very hard or not that easy for immigrants to adjust to the american culture. To help you adjust to the culture make friends. They can tell you the rules and laws. Another way for you adjust is to take the citizenship classes then the test. These classes better explains the american culture. All of theses reasons shows what you have to do just to be a american citizen.