
My First Trip To America

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National pride often can be beneficial to our society; in fact, numerous citizens in every country take pride on their country, ethnicity, culture, religion, and even sometimes their current status of wealth. Therefore, having patriotic ideas and feelings are not terrible; actually, it gives us as citizens to have an image and it defines us who we are. Nevertheless, there are problems in some major parts in our society that ends up take an advantage of pride against other ethnic groups. In other words judging and comparing others through stereotypes and in the extreme way people tend passively become racist or simply racist. We see it in TVs, movies, music, social media, in our political environment, and in our daily lives. Thus, we agree and …show more content…

At first, I hesitated to not go because of my perspective about Americans and also, it was a hard to say good-bye and leaving behind friends, family, and my house. Nevertheless, my parents urged me and again lecturing me Korean education of considering English to be valuable and useful and the best way to learn it is to be there. I had no choice to obey my parents and together go to America. Arriving in America was a shift for me. Everything was different; for example, the houses, language, the people, and grasses everywhere. For the first time, I attended to an American elementary school and unlike a Korean school, in my opinion, I felt that there was more free will at school. However, it was not easy, for I could not understand what was going on. Moreover, I had no knowledge about other kids and even the teacher. It was almost a nightmare for me. I remember every school day that our teacher was trying talk to me about homework though I could not understand about the …show more content…

Nevertheless, everything was nice about her, even more, comparing to my current class teacher. I remembered that I was treated with American beverages like Halloween candy and apple pie. Moreover, she and I were playing language games that she brought. It was a lot of fun. Every time that I met her during school changed my perspectives little by little. The stereotypes that I was expected were not there; in fact, I was the crazy racist one who doubted everybody was crazy and dangerous. From that encounter with my ESL teacher struck my feelings and misjudging thoughts towards Americans. Also, I was glad to my ESL teacher was the first person to change my fear of learning English. It was a totally enlightening experience after being in America. At that point, I started to understand one step at a time about the American Culture as I grew up. Unlike Korean culture, I felt that American Culture was welcoming and inviting because it is built in a mixture of the different culture around the world which I was able to relate and adapt

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