My first goal is to finish my college classes. It will enable me to work in my area of study and earn a better income than I do now working the job I have now. I have love for the computer and Internet marketplace. I have formed a plan that includes checkpoints that; I have to make, should I pass and stay on track. I think that the key to success is think, plan, and stay focused on your goals. I have changed my and life to my schools goals doable. My plans are to buy a laptop, software, and other computer items needed to complete my courses. Along with that I will work two part-time jobs to support my family. That is my plan to finish my college classes.
My second long-term goal is to buy my family a house in order to save money long-term and own my house instead of renting one. My money will than got toward the true propose of housing cost which is home ownership. My goal home is three bedrooms and two bathrooms with a large backyard. This house would give me the size and the wants on my housing list. My plan is to save a small amount every month. Place that money in a high earning account. Take the steps required to improve my credit and stop my spending habits. I have started my search for a home over a year must be in livable state of repair. Doesn’t need that much work to be put into