September 26, 2011
Essay #1
Essay #1 First, I would like to tell you how I feel in love with this guy that I loved dearly. Once I met him, my life turned around. It was all about him. I forgot about everything in life but him, until one day he hurt me. I found out he was back talking to his ex-girlfriend and that really hurt me, and I did not know how to take it. All I wanted to do was talk on the phone all day and nigh, but he was always busy. So I decided to turn to my family for advice: my mama, daddy, and stepmom. They gave me the best advice anyone could give, and I decided to listen this time. But you know teenagers are; we never want to listen until it’s too late. They would always nag me about “he does not want you; all he wants from you is what he can get”. It was so bad with my mama that I got so tired of hearing her fussing; I decided to just move out. But little did I know that it was just as bad where I was moving to. But they all prayed for me and this got better for me. Second it was time for college, and I really thought I was grown then. I did not want to leave my boyfriend and start my college life; all I wanted was to see him everyday. But when I did come home to see him and spend time with him, he was always gone. He never had time to come see me on the weekend. It was always “ I am hanging with the boys and watching football”. Finally, I knew it was time for me to focus on my self and college life for now on. I realized what my mom, dad, and stepmom were trying to tell me was absolutely right. All they wanted was me getting a good education and making something out of myself. The biggest gift in my life was the attention that my mom, dad, and stepmom were giving me. I plan on concentrating on school work and being the best student I can be. I would like to thank my family for all the advice they have given me. I feel like they stuck by my side through all the hurt and pain that I went through. From the advice they have