There are many people who have inspired me in many ways. But, my mother, however, inspired me the most. She is a very hardworking, truthful and a caring person. Besides that, she is extraordinary. I am very blissful to be a part of her life and I am overjoyed that she is a part of mine too. However, she is not my whole life, neither anyone else. I would absolutely idolize my mother as my role model who has a very strong willpower.
My mother is actually an ordinary person with a lot of admirable and trustworthy personality. She has been through a lot in taking care of me since I was still an infant. Right up to now, she has never given up on me and I am sure, a mother never does. In my own eyes, I have always seen my mother as a very special and unique person with a lovely and altruistic soul.
As we all know, a mother is every child’s gift and each and every one of us deserves one. No one’s life is ever complete without a mother somewhere throughout their life. In addition to that, I am extremely blessed to have her in mine and I also feel very lucky to have her helping me and supporting me with my studies.
My mother and I are very close. Almost like best friends. We spend nearly every moment of the day together like going shopping, hanging out at the cafe or just at home. Even though I have a really good relationship with my mother, we sometimes have the bitter times. For example, we argued about things we both don’t agree on or I complain when she gives me chores up to my neck.
Furthermore, whenever I look at my mum, she is always beautiful in the inside and it makes me go back to memory lane. I love her with all of my heart and I would never abolish my relationship with my mother. It is very hard for me to express my feelings about her just in words because there
is so much to say that’s hard to explain. As long as I understand, I feel overjoyed.
Satisfaction never runs out in my life while my mother is still here with me