American Government
October 11, 2012
Essay #1 America’s two party system does in fact affect elections and the decisions of the voters. Often times, people are not fully educated before actually casting their vote. This can have negative effects in our society. In the past, this very thing has occurred.
Most voters typically vote a certain way, based solely on the party. The text brings out this very point at the latter of page 115. It states, “Party labels typically help voters get a sense for the candidates; without knowing anything about the individual candidate, voters can make a reliable assumption about the candidate’s stance on issues based on his or her political party.” Being uneducated about the candidate personally can also be extremely detrimental to our country. Basing a decision for who will potentially lead our country should be based off of their background and personal beliefs and experiences, not just what that particular party usually stands for. This decision is very important and shouldn’t be handled as a light matter.
The two main parties here in the United States are the Democrats and the Republicans. At every level, one of these two parties dominates the voting. The end result would be all or nearly all elected offices would consist of members from one of the two major parties. Usually, after the elections, offices are held by either the Democratic or Republican party.
With control always belonging to one of these parties, the smaller parties are not heard. Third parties, or minority parties as the text book notes, are rarely ever in office. I feel that all sides should be heard and accounted for. As we have seen with the Presidential debates, only the two main parties are addressed. The smaller parties should still hold some kind of importance of the Americans. The beliefs of the Democratic and Republican parties are widely spread and talked about throughout the media. However, the beliefs of the minority