In an news story published in Time South Pacific titled "There 's No Sure Hit Here," California Assemblywoman Sally Lieber is offering a bill that would ban the spanking of children less than 4 years old, and make spanking a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 file and up to one year in jail. (Sayre, 2007). Are we going crazy? Should the government be allowed to step in and tell you the proper way to raise your children? I believe that Germany tried that in the 1930s and look what happened there.
The question is how can we stop this slow decline into anarchy? The first way is for children to learn that their misbehavior or actions have consequences. I read a response to an article called "Other techniques are better than spanking." describing when the author was in seventh grade he was caught bouncing a basketball in the hall and was spanked along with three other boys. As a result of the spanking he said that "One thing 's for sure: I never bounced another basketball in that hallway." (USA Today, 2002) Do I think that this was a bit extreme for the offense, yes I do. In this case it worked; his behavior was changed by punishment. If a child is shown that by acting up, they will get their way, how do you think they are going to act? What do you think will happen as they grow and are allowed to do anything they want in school because the teachers have no control due to corporal punishment being outlawed? Will they learn anything; well it doesn 't matter because teachers are not allowed to hold children back anymore. Then they drop out of school, get arrested for stealing because they wanted something but didn 't want to pay for it. This destructive behavior needs to stop. Spanking can help.
The second thing that we need to do is give teachers back their authority in the classrooms. Two years ago my wife and I went to a parent-teacher conference and during the discussion we learned that teachers are being taught in workshop not to give their students "the look" as this might cause emotional harm. He also told us how disciplining a student requires tedious amounts of paperwork and many parents refuse to let the teachers or school discipline their child. We were both flabbergasted when he told us that they are not even allowed to hold a child back for poor grades. They can only recommend to the parents that the child be held back.
According to an article called "Corporal punishment is legal in 22 states. Would you support its use in your school? YES", Defiance, chaos, threats, cursing, assault. All these behaviors have risen from rare to frequent in many schools since the elimination of corporal punishment. He goes on to say, "The occasional spanking of a boy or girl for bad behavior provides an immediate, painful consequence that con convince them and their friends to pay attention" (Mason, 2005). I know that when I was in school, the thought of getting spanked at school was horrible, but what was even worse was the knowledge of what would happen when I got home.
Education is also needed for our parents and children. There is a big difference between correction and abuse and they need to be made aware of it. I do not condone the use of excessive force when spanking a child. Nor do I think that kicking or punching them is acceptable. A few firm swats on the bottom is all that is needed. There needs to be legislation passed that allows parents to spank their children as a disciplinary measure, and the parents and children need to know about it. Many parents falsely believe that they are not allowed to spank their children, and they fear being reported if they do. I have heard too many times children telling their parents that they will call child protection services if they spank them. This is not acceptable.
Parents need to take back control of their children. Are children born knowing what is best for them? What is dangerous or safe? What is right or wrong? No they are not, it is the parents responsibility to teach their children these things and to help them to become contributing members of society. Look what is happening to this country when parents fail in this responsibility. If spanking your child now can mean potentially keeping them out of trouble in the future, would you do it? I am sure that most people have heard the saying "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child". I really believe that they knew what they were talking about when they wrote that.
Mason, D. (2005). Corporal punishment is legal in 22 states. Would you support its use in your school? YES. NEA Today, 24(1), 38-38. Retrieved Friday, March 09, 2007 from the MasterFILE Premier database,
N.A., N. (n.d.). Spanking can produce positive outcomes. USA Today, Retrieved Friday, March 09, 2007 from the MasterFILE Premier database.
Sayre, C. (2007). THERE 'S NO SURE HIT HERE. Time South Pacific (Australia/New Zealand edition), Retrieved Friday, March 09, 2007 from the MasterFILE Premier database.
References: Mason, D. (2005). Corporal punishment is legal in 22 states. Would you support its use in your school? YES. NEA Today, 24(1), 38-38. Retrieved Friday, March 09, 2007 from the MasterFILE Premier database, N.A., N. (n.d.). Spanking can produce positive outcomes. USA Today, Retrieved Friday, March 09, 2007 from the MasterFILE Premier database. Sayre, C. (2007). THERE 'S NO SURE HIT HERE. Time South Pacific (Australia/New Zealand edition), Retrieved Friday, March 09, 2007 from the MasterFILE Premier database.
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