My Persuasive Research Paper
Dale Hilliard
Axia College of University of Phoenix
My Persuasive Research Paper 2
Like Superman, African American’s contributions have influenced the growth of all American’s of today; some have been fast as a speeding bullet while standing strong and even more powerful than a locomotive all while going through disputes, to overcome controversy with a single bound. Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Barack Obama have speared the civil rights movement to where it is today. Thurgood Marshall was a champion advocate of all Americans civil rights. He was one of the founding forefathers who shaped the 20the century and lead a civil rights revolution that changed American society forever. …show more content…
He ended the habitual of setting apart of people because of their race, class, or ethnic group in the United States with his Supreme Court winnings. Thurgood separated the barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites in voting, housing and transportation and was the beginning of the century to upset the “Separate but Equal” being separated from others in this American life. We do not want to forget about Martin Luther King, Jr. contributions that achieved mandatory equal voting rights for all Americans. He set the standard for all nations to provide every citizen with equal rights regardless of their skin color. As we look forward on today, and reflect on Barack Obama’s contributions have influenced the growth of African American men of today with Obama’s milestone ought to inspire more young black men to help tear barriers down.
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But according to Juan Williams, Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary, Thurgood will be known by other Americans as the architect of the African Americans race relations while expressing in length the rights for all single American individuals. Thurgood’s trial and triumph in the 1954 case of Brown v. the Topeka Board of Education was a deviating time in history when that Supreme Court case outlawed school segregation, and some have said that this made him as influence in history as ever, but soon enough he will be the first African American that will be appointed to the Supreme Court. During the early part of his life as a lawyer, Marshall concerned himself with more criminal black cases because they were not being tried properly and being sent to death. By taking on these types of cases in his early lawyer years, it almost cost him his life trying to make sure the clients of this type would receive a fair trial. In Harlem outside of the courtroom, Thurgood had a style that surrounded him with people like singer Cab Calloway, prizefighter Joe Louis, and other black luminaries. Thurgood being the man he was known by many presidents. He was well regarded by members of the prestige’s class of people who were of superior intellectual, social, or economic status and he maintained a well informed, perceptive, and witty nature. The fight that Thurgood fought was to change America, but there were oppositions with other civil rights movement representatives. Civil rights continued to plaque the Supreme Court as Thurgood battled the closed world of the court while Martin Luther King, Jr., was demonstrating his dynamic
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leadership that inspired masses of blacks to protest nonviolently for civil rights, overthrowing the system of legal segregation in the South and making strides toward resolving the American Dilemma-the conflict between the nation’s democratic creed and its practice of denying freedom and equality to black citizens. According to an article in the Civil Rights Movements, King was ministering in the churches speaking on racial justice and his voice of equality moved to the streets, and at the same time Thurgood Marshall was making visible equal changes in the courtroom. Martin and Thurgood performance was a major accomplishment in the role, and the operation planned to achieve affirmative action for the1964 Civil Rights Act. This act processed the laws that bar discrimination in employment of religion, sex, national origin, color, and race. Within 20th century there were many changes that took place in a work setting that were essential rules and another step in the movement. The Nobel Peace Prize of 1964 stated King strongly stood as a member of his race, but worked even harder for civil rights. During this time King was on the executive committee for the Colored People’s Advancement National Association. The NAACP during that timed was a politically organized body of people under a single government to lead an organization of its kind. Gunnar Jahn’s presentation speech that was worthy of its honor on December, 1955 stated that King was ready to step up and be the leader in the Negroes first lack of violence rally in this country of ours and this was coming together under one umbrella for the purpose of the bus protest that would abstain all colored passengers from riding the buses. My Persuasive Research Paper 5
In 1957, King was elected at a leadership conference in the South to be the president of the organization, and it was structured to make available a new capacity of the civil rights movement that is now growing rapidly. Martin took the ideals for the Christian organization and the systematic procedures from the Gandhi. King made many journeys over several million miles and spoke hundreds of times between 1957 and 1968. King felt wherever there was a violation of another’s rights, strong objection and things that need to be done; and meanwhile being able to write several articles describing it. In Birmingham, Alabama, King lead large masses of protest and these protest capture the world’s attention but it could be called a union of morals. This inspired Martin’s written "Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” of public declaration, and especially of a political nature for the Negroes to over throw the government; there were drives in Alabama that King planned in helping the Negro voters register to vote; and the gathering in D.C. that was so tranquil that he was able to delivered one of the most memorable speeches ever spoken, the “I Have a Dream.” He spoke this speech to over 250,000 people where he was honored; King because of his political stand was arrested and assaulted many times; but through it all five honorary degrees he was granted as merited; Time magazine in 1963 named him the Man of the Year, but Martin was not just a symbol for black Americans, he became a world figure for all Americans that stood for equal rights for all Americans.
My Persuasive Research Paper 6 According to Peter B. Levy in Movement of Civil Rights, in1964 Martin Luther King, Jr., age of 25 a young black man to have not only to have been offered, but accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1965 the Voting Rights Act was arranged by King and SCLC, another important campaign, in Selma, Alabama. King made it public there was a large sum of prize money is to be given to further the movement. During the late 1950s and the 1960s, King consumed a good portion of his life traveling around the nation, delivering speeches, raising funds and recruiting support for the cause of civil rights. King had a commitment to nonviolence, while at the expressing sympathy for the black power goals of self-affirmation, economic and political power. He also suggested that the United States was in need of radical restructuring in order to overcome the legacy of racial inequality. King was busy aiding black sanitation workers, on strike in Memphis, Tennessee, whose struggle he saw as part of his large campaign for poor people. On this day April 4, 1968, in Memphis, King was targeted for murder right before he would have the opportunity to lead the protest march of affinity between people with striking trash employees within the city of Memphis. Martin and Thurgood through their many efforts assisted in the civil rights movement that open the door, and paved the way for Barack Obama. Rosa Parks sat so Martin could walk, so Obama could run, and become the first black democratic nominee. According to the Audacity of Hope, Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream written by Obama in July 2004, during the Democratic National Convention Barack Obama captivated the crowd with his address that spoke his political range of values to the American people.
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There was a phrase that he provided in that he wanted to anchor itself into the minds of the listeners, and to be a reminder that for all the lack of agreement amongst persons, groups, and things that the struggle is found in our history as a nation. Obama said, we will always been guided by a dogged optimism, or what is called “the audacity of hope.” Obama had a vision that we can move beyond our state of having to be divide, and tackle the problems that plague the American people. Obama says that Americans will be able to repair a process of politics that is broken and be able to restore a government in working order that has fallen perilous out of touch with millions of ordinary Americans. Barack Obama mention in his speech that was called the need of the hour speech; this portion of his speech was about wandering and thinking about what hour did we need to remember in time during this hour. Throughout his speech he about the hour his mind, and when time went back to the beginning during the Civil Rights. There were so many tragedies and sacrifices that took place in society to open the door for Barack Obama such as segregated classrooms-black children still segregated in some of our schools. Freedom riders-buses burned; fire hoses as they marched; Attacked dogs-marchers bitten by police dogs; clubbing-marchers like John Lewis beaten by police; Bombings-home destroyed; Brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1955, Emmitt Till age 14; Murdered in Jackson, Mississippi 1963 Medgar Evers “I was to live in Mississippi, and I will die in Mississippi!”; Murdered in Philadelphia, Mississippi (Chaney, Schwerner, Gooodman) three civil rights workers; Murdered in New York City 1965
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Malcolm X “which we intend to bring into existence, By Any Means Necessary!”; Murdered in Memphis, Tennessee 1968 King, Jr., Martin Luther “ Morals are of the Universe is long, but it will forever bend to justice!”; Durham, North Carolina separate is not equal never was and never will be. Racially divided restaurants whites eat in…coloreds take out; The Little Rock Nine group of African-American student’s case of integration whom were enrolled in little rock central high school in 1957; The Greensboro Four were refused service (Joe McNeil, Jibreel Khazan, Franklin McCain, David Richmond); Rosa Parks-refused to give up he seat, “My only concern was to get home after a hard day’s work!”; Muhammed Ali refused to take a step, “I will not go 10,000 miles around the world to kill another poor person!”; Nelson Mandela imprisoned for 27 years, “A man who takes away another mans freedom is a partner of hatred!”. This article on caught my attention, and it spoke of 40 years ago a statement that Robert F. Kennedy mentioned in a speech he delivered to the “Voice of America.” Regardless of what may have been going on in the country in 1968, especially in Alabama it was written that RFK still uttered these very words to the people of America.
“In the time of the race relations and as rapid as the nation was moving that in 40 years a Negro could be president and that a Negro could achieve and hold an exact position that his brother had at that time.
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There will always be an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, but through progress anything can happened. . Barack Obama said, before Memphis and the mountaintop; before the bridge in Selma and the march on Washington; before the beatings in Birmingham; the loss of those four little girls, and the fire hoses; before his magnificent dream, King the visual representation, but there was King the young preacher and a people who found themselves suffering under the bond of someone’s cruel exercise of power. We try to refuse to acknowledge the extensive routine structure that is situated in the way of making certain that all children have the same opportunity or adequate employment for all people, and for people who are sick and are in need of healthcare. During an extended period, Americans want harmony but are unwilling to pay the price, and in order to obtain true harmony we know that it is not that easy to possess, but if we as Americans learn how to start by changing our attitudes. As Americans, if we can think out of the box by first changing our attitude, our minds, and without a doubt the heart will definitely follow. We know that it is a difficult task to walk in someone else shoes and more hard to see past the dissimilarities. Politics in this country will continue to place a wedge that will keep the country apart at the seams. There puts a barrier up between all American people.
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So, I ask Americans of all nationalities to walk, to march and be of one voice ranging out together.
As Americans be a fine tuned song that will break the walls down that separate us, and to rise up America that is truly indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all. United we will all stand and divided we will all fall. In the beginning these three African American men contributions gave African American people better economic opportunities. First, Thurgood Marshall legal successes removed legal barriers for African American people to qualify them for jobs. When King arrived on the scene, and organized the push protests such as the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott that lasted for 385 days. The situation was so intense that King’s house was bombed and eventually resulted in the end of racial segregation on all Montgomery public buses. Many people made exceptional sacrifices…even died for our rights, and Barack Obama has overcome many obstacles in his life and his recent accomplishments have been a milestone for breaking down barriers for young black males of today. A quote from Barack Obama was “Hope is the Bedrock of this Nation,” “Yes We
Colaiaco, James. (1998). Martin Luther King, Jr. Apostle of Militant Nonviolence. New York. St. Martin’s.
Dube, Steve. (2008 November 12). King’s dream is realized-but is Obama’s reward poisoned chalice: way out west. Western Mail, 16. Retrieved November 12, 2008, from ProQuest Newsstand database.
Ford, Vernon. Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary.Booklist 94. n22 (August 1998): 1919 (1). General OneFile. Gale. ApolloLibrary. 19 Nov. 2008. .
Garrow, David. (1999). Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Originally published: New York: Quill.
Klarman, Michael. (2004). From Jim Crow to Civil Rights: the Supreme Court and the struggle for racial equality. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016: Oxford us a registered trademark of Oxford University Press.
Levy, Peter. (1998). The civil rights movement. Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881: An imprint of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
Obama, Barack. (2006).The audacity of hope: thoughts on reclaiming the American dream. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Published in the United States by Crown Publishers, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.
Rochman, Hazel. Thurgood Marshall. (Young adult review)(Brief article)(Book review). Booklist 104. 19-20 (June 1, 2008): 94 (1). General OneFile.Gale. Apollo Library. 12 Nov. 2008. .
Williams, Juan (1999). Thurgood Marshall: American Revloutionary. Booklist 95. 9-10 (Jan 1, 1999): 776 (1). General OneFile.Gale. Apollo Library. 19 Nov. 2008. .