If stuff like this keeps happening, and they do cut nursery staffing levels, i think the problem would get worse, kids might be killed from carlessness from the lowered class nursery staff, more parents would stay home to protect there kids. If they want to provent stuff like this, they can't cut the nusery staffing level and have to find something that is less important they can cut to be able to let mothers keep there jobs and so there kids can be safe. They could cut off stuff like entertainment or stuff like amusment parks, just some examples but in my oppion, taking care of the future generation is more important than these two examples. As long as they don't take drastic messures like cutting nursery staffing levels, the future for them looks pretty
If stuff like this keeps happening, and they do cut nursery staffing levels, i think the problem would get worse, kids might be killed from carlessness from the lowered class nursery staff, more parents would stay home to protect there kids. If they want to provent stuff like this, they can't cut the nusery staffing level and have to find something that is less important they can cut to be able to let mothers keep there jobs and so there kids can be safe. They could cut off stuff like entertainment or stuff like amusment parks, just some examples but in my oppion, taking care of the future generation is more important than these two examples. As long as they don't take drastic messures like cutting nursery staffing levels, the future for them looks pretty