Senior project is a chance for you to do anything you want to do or have been thinking about doing. It gives you the chance to do something that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time or motivation to do so. I have already made a few things such as a teddy bear and a bunny. Crocheting takes a lot of time, but since one of my jobs is to take care of my grandmother, I crochet at her house while she helps me learn to do the stitches. My grandmother is my mentor because I have three jobs, and a lot of other things to do so my schedule wouldn’t be able to fit another thing into it like making time to see someone else. While I am learning things from my grandmother, I am using the forum I am in (, to learn other things that she may have not taught me or things I’m not certain about. I also use YouTube to help find different patterns for …show more content…
Being a senior and all, I am very stressed. I have so many things to do and I get stressed easily so I was recommended to try something that could help that. While I was researching crocheting, I found out that it is a really good stress reliever ("Health Benefits of Crocheting and Knitting | Red Heart Blog.".) which is a plus for me. Stress is really hard to deal with, so finding something like crocheting, is a really good thing for me to learn. It also helps with depression, insomnia, anxiety, and many more issues teens may experience("» 10 Most Important Health Benefits of