I heard a loud, motor like sound coming from a far distance. It sounded like a leaf blower, but it wasn’t a leaf blower. I wondered what it was, and curiosity crept into my thoughts. Five more minutes passed by like a train driving fast from a distance.
The snow started to melt little by little as time passed quickly. I looked up to see the fluffy clouds. Some were gray, but they were mostly the color white, covering the whole sky as if I dropped white paint on the a piece of paper… Twenty minutes I stayed outside. I breathed out, I could see the vapor coming out of my mouth like a hot pan with hot boiling water as the vapor is coming out. I breathed in the fresh smell of winter. The air and wind calmed down, and I could hear my dog barking, as loud as she could every time a car or something else passed. I enjoy staying outside. I saw lots of cars passing by up the mountain from my house. The area around me was brighter than before. I looked up once again to study the sky. The clouds was still white and a little gray yet, I saw the brightness through them. The sky got brighter and brighter like an expanding star.
The time was up for me. I had to go to do my chores now. I got up my chair that had turned