The dentist and my mother laughed at me hysterically as I sat in the dentist’s chair grasping my mother’s hand tightly, filled with anxiety and panic, not knowing what was going to happen next.
It was a regular day like any other, the birds chirping and the sound of tooting created a very busy and noisy atmosphere. I dreaded this day as I knew I had to go to the dentist for an annual checkup. I was very nervous and did not know what to expect. The fear started flowing through my body. I could hear my heart beating faster and quicker making a big ‘thud’ noise every second.
The time was now 4:15 pm in the afternoon and the hour approached. I was thinking of ways to avoid this trip. A thought occurred that perhaps I could pretend to be sick or even tired for that matter. My mother came into my room to sort out the laundry and then I said.’’Mom, I’m not feeling well, I think I’m coming down with a terrible cold, please check my temperature, I’m burning up’’. Luckily I devised a scheme. I quickly used the blow-dryer and heated up my skin as to make it look and feel more convincing and realistic. Her response was, ‘Charlie, I’ve known you since the day you were born, don’t you think by now that I’m well aware of your petty tricks and scams?’’ I said, ‘No, Mom I swear this time I’m very sick” and her reply was, ‘Charlie enough of the drama, please get ready to go to the dentist.’’
My plan had failed, my acting poor and the fear still managed to creep in.
I was now dressed and ready to go the dentist. We got into the car and from that moment onwards, I knew that there was no way out. I was TRAPPED!!!!.
We arrived at the hospital and were waiting to see the dentist. I was very ambivalent as enduring this sort of torture made my head spin. Ten minutes later, an echoing voice called out in the large hall, “Charlie Davies” and my heart stopped a beat. I knew there was no escape. Generally teenagers dislike going to the doctor as we fear the flu