It look like something that come straight out of a horror movie. I tried to fight extremely hard to flee out the room for help, but not a inch of muscle would budge. My heart pumped a thousand miles per hour because the only thing I could think of is that I was going to die. Not even tears from my eyes would falls to show the utmost fear that I was facing. The only thing I was able to do was panic but with my body still asleep nothing was beneficial in this situation.
The all of the sudden the dark figure vanish and my body was useful again, and the first thing I did was take the deepest breath I’ve ever taken. I was winded like I spent an ample amount of minutes under water, which was related to the account of sweat that this experience made me build up. I sat in the dark for at least forty-five minutes trying to recuperate, and fully understand what entirely happened, and also the amount of adrenaline that I produced kept me up for at least thirty minutes. As I was so afraid to fall back asleep in fear that it would happen again to me, I gave in and slept like a