
Hope's Peak Academy Monologue

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Hope's Peak Academy Monologue
Chapter 0: Hope’s Peak Academy

So this is Hope’s Peak Academy huh. Wow, it’s bigger than I thought. I squealed at the thought of it. Having to go to the best school in Japan is so awesome! Can’t believe someone scouted me. It’s probably going to be the best school year of my life! My name is Orino Sato and my talent? Well doesn’t matter anyways. Don’t know if I'm a girl or boy? That also doesn’t matter.
I shook my head and smiled. I began walking into the school but suddenly I felt a rush of dizziness falling upon me. Everything was getting blurry as I looked around and then…




I gasped as I woke up. I was sitting in a chair with a desk in front of me. I looked around and immediately saw a boy with blue hair. He had black gloves
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“ Let's look around to see then,” suggested the boy in the white coat.

“Nah, can we learn names first? Im lost on who is who,” said a boy with a basketball uniform. At least I know his talent.

“After we investigate-” he was cut off by a voice coming from a girl with green hair. She had it sticking up like if it was bull horns.

“No! We have to introduce ourselves! Half of us don’t even know each other,” said a girl with green hair. She looks the shortest out of all. The boy rolled his eyes and replied, “fine. I’ll start, my name is Camui Okada and I, am the Ultimate Scientist.” he smirked as he puts his glasses back on. The green haired quickly ran up to everyone.
“HII!! My name is Tami Kimura and Im the Ultimate Chef! Nice to meet you all.”

“A chef? That sounds awesome! What kind of food you make?” asked the girl with a Nike shirt and shorts.

“Any type!” replied Tami in a enthusiastic voice.

“ its my turn. My name is Akako Rio and im am the Ultimate Fighter. So if you like to pick a fight with me WE CAN FIGHT RIGHT NOW!-” She was suddenly shushed by the boy with the white hair. He nervously laughed.

“I think we’re moving name is Chikashi Fukuda and i’m the Ultimate
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I never really introduced myself...but yeah my name is Akihito Hamada and I’m the Ultimate Inventor…”

“I was just testing something, I guess I got it right.”

“Testing what?” Akako questioned.

“If we can use our talents,” said the girl.

“Our talents huuh..” I thought.

“Is it possible to leave with just using our talents?” Chikashi asked.

“NOO WAY! I CAN’T USE MY PRANKING TALENT!” said Leo as he pouted.

“Shut up will ya!” Leiko snapped once again, “My singing voice will help us!”

“All your singing voice is gonna do is make my ears bleed.”

“Well fuck you!”

“Oh come on!” I said, “we don’t really know each other well and you guys are already fighting.”

“That’s right, we need to figure out how to-”
Akihito’s voice cut off as the students heard a laugh.

Everyone looked at each other, terrified and confused as to what was going to happen. The mysterious voice laughed again.


“It’s coming from over there!” I yelled. We looked over at what I was pointing and stood there looking at the stadium with a stand and a little microphone on it.

There it was, a cute little white and black toy bear jumped out and landed on the stand.

“UPUPUPU” laughed the bear, “No one will be able to leave!!

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