On my adventurous Journey around the world, I took a visit to Sub-Saharan Africa. The first country I came to was Somalia.While staying in Somalia, there is mostly plateaus, plains and highlands. Far north are the Karkaar Mountains, near the Gulf of Aden coastline. The whole country is as well slightly smaller if you compare it to Texas. Also, the terrain is mostly flat, and includes deserts. In this country , the climate varies throughout some months such as in December to January it is moderate temperature in the North and hot in the South. Then, temperatures begin to change in May to October and being hot and have some rainfall in the South and experiencing a Southwest Monsoon in the North which includes dry temperatures and chances of increased …show more content…
rainfall. The government system might sound slightly complicated because of the name but it is only meaning that it is republican and is “more or less dependant upon parliaments of national and subnational levels”. In other words, the part with the most members forms the government and the leader of the party becomes the prime minister or leader. However, they can be removed if they lose confidence of the party that got majority.Some of the places I experienced in this city were seeing the “Laas Geel” cave paintings because of their uniqueness and sharings of history being told throughout their history of the “Neolithic age”. Another interesting place that was a must go to, was the amazing old Shanghai City right within the capital of Somalia, which is Mogadishu.
I visited here because of its amazing architecture from hundreds of year ago in Shanghai. Now the next country I visited was Chad.The city is mostly mountainous such as the Tibesti Mountains that stretch across and dominate most of the country and is also surrounded by great deserts like the Sahara that covers almost all of Chad. Now, temperatures do vary depending upon the area but are mostly hot and tropical climate throughout the year. However, the Southern rainy seasons come in during May through October. Also, the Central rains come through from June to September. In addition, while walking through some of the cities in the evening , I experienced cooler temperature and cooler climate. Some of the experiences i went on were Chad’s national museum because it took me through a historical journey of Chad. Also, I had gone through a safari experience in the “Zakouma National Park”,and went here because of its beautiful safari animals. Now their government is almost similar to the U.S. being that it is a “presidential system”. This means that the country or state is run by a president. I chose to visit these countries because of their diversity in lush oasis and lakes , as
well as desert views.