These two as well as Beta blocker therapy can alter a situation for a patient with a failing heart. Beta blockers decrease the chance of ventricular arrhythmias that can occur in a heart that is not properly treated by causing slower heart contractions and slowing down the heart rate so the heart doesn’t need as much immediate oxygen. Along with these noninvasive treatment in very severe situations there will be the option for a Coronary Angioplasty surgery to remove plaque buildup from the coronary artery or to add a stent and open the artery more. Another option is Coronary Bypass Surgery. This procedure is when a vein is taken from the patient’s leg, arm or chest area and added to the heart to create a new pathway for blood flow into the heart. Due to past history of Mr. Garza with his chest pain and recent heart attack I feel he is a candidate for the coronary angioplasty surgery, but with his undocumentation I feel that financially and with his responsibility to his family of needing to work I don’t see it in his best interest. At the moment having him reduce stress hours at work with a steady medication possible aspirin can help begin to strengthen his
These two as well as Beta blocker therapy can alter a situation for a patient with a failing heart. Beta blockers decrease the chance of ventricular arrhythmias that can occur in a heart that is not properly treated by causing slower heart contractions and slowing down the heart rate so the heart doesn’t need as much immediate oxygen. Along with these noninvasive treatment in very severe situations there will be the option for a Coronary Angioplasty surgery to remove plaque buildup from the coronary artery or to add a stent and open the artery more. Another option is Coronary Bypass Surgery. This procedure is when a vein is taken from the patient’s leg, arm or chest area and added to the heart to create a new pathway for blood flow into the heart. Due to past history of Mr. Garza with his chest pain and recent heart attack I feel he is a candidate for the coronary angioplasty surgery, but with his undocumentation I feel that financially and with his responsibility to his family of needing to work I don’t see it in his best interest. At the moment having him reduce stress hours at work with a steady medication possible aspirin can help begin to strengthen his