(Laws that are often Violated by Fraternity Initiations) I. Introduction Thesis statement: Fraternities are bad.
Background: The recent news about hazing deaths, cause mass uproar from parents that want their children to go to school without fear of their children dying. II. Body:
1. Criminally Negligent Manslaughter
2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 5
3. Republic Act No. 8049
III. Conclusion: The fraternities of today, stained by centuries of misconduct and heinous acts, are sculpting a sculpture of terror and pride instead of its rightful role as a guide to its members and as righter’s of wrong.
1. http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/index.shtml
2. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/manslaughter
3. http://jlp-law.com/blog/anti-hazing-law-ra-8049-full-text/
Bylaws by Laws
The acts of fraternities that may often look, on the outside, like a peaceful group of people looking for company and support from its members are actually a highly sophisticated group of pioneers in a much more subtle from of the mafia. The initiation rights in entering these fraternities are called “hazing” and are often times the cause of deaths from pledges or neophytes. That is why fraternities are bad, not only do they violate human rights they also violate our laws.
One of the most often committed, even though accidentally, crime in some if not most fraternity initiation rights is Criminally Negligent Manslaughter. Criminally Negligent Manslaughter is the crime of taking a high risk task or activity that results in the accidental death of the one participating in the activity. Death from hazing is under the jurisdiction of this law and is punishable by imprisonment.
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 5 “No one shall be subjected to torture or to