The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine ultimately depicts the marriage between Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Christ. There are many different versions of this scene, but Gozzoli’s specifically depicts Virgin Mary holding infant Jesus sitting on her lap, while he is placing a ring onto the ring finger on …show more content…
There are other witnesses depicted in this painting to this betrothal including, Mary Magdalene, Saint Ursula, Saint Agnes, and a collection of angels (Zimmerli Art Museum). There are angels that hover over the throne were Virgin Mary is sitting with baby Jesus. There are four angels wearing red gowns holding up a lavish green drapery behind the throne. There are two other angels relatively smaller than the others kneeling on two platforms of the throne holding a golden crown that hovers over Virgin Mary’s head. The angels above and on the platform have shimmering golden halos behind their heads, as well as the three other witnesses, Virgin Mary, Jesus, and Saint Cathrine of Alexandria. Virgin Mary’s gold halo appears to be the most vibrant. There are two more angels at the foot of the Virgin Mary who are depicted to have string instruments in their hands and they are looking up at her. These angels have no golden halos and their wings are striped red and black. The panel below the main altarpiece has five figures and five spaces for them. The