Father Daniel Mary has established a vision for the future direction of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming; to expand their monastery and purchase a $9.8 million, 946-acre ranch that is 21 miles outside of Cody, Wyoming where their current monastery is located. This purchase allows for the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming to accommodate; 30 monks, a Gothic church, a covenant for Carmelite nuns, a retreat center for lay visitors, and a hermitage. The purchase of this land is believed to be acquirable from donations made to the Carmelites, as well as the profits from the Mystic Monk Coffee operations. Although, there is no clear vision described in the case for the Mystic Monk Coffee operation, except to purchase a new larger roaster for the cost of $35,000. The Carmelite Monks of Wyoming’s ultimate mission is spiritual, where they spend 8 hours per day in prayer.
2. Does it appear that Father Daniel Mary has set definite objectives and performance targets for achieving his vision?
There are no set definite objectives or performance targets for achieving Father Daniel Mary’s vision, except coming to the realization that the purchase of the ranch is going to require careful planning and execution. However, a group of business owners have formed the New Mount Carmel Foundation to help raise funds for the new purchases. The Carmelites will also use the 11% profits generated from the Mystic Monks Coffee operation to help assist in the purchase of the new ranch.
3. What is Father Prior’s strategy for achieving his vision? What competitive advantage might Mystic Monk Coffee’s strategy produce?
Father Prior’s strategy thus far is to use donations made to the Carmelites, and use profits from the Mystic Monk Coffee operation to