This bronze statue is one of the few bronze statues to have survived from antiquity (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000) and consists of a sleeping child (Eros, god of love) lying on what seems to be a large stone. The young child appears to be exhausted while his facial expression represents innocence. This statue is a lifelike depiction of a relaxed sleeping baby lying nude on his left side with his right arm hanging over. The sleeping baby also has visible wings behind him with pudgy legs and tousled hair. Similar to the Grave stele of a little girl statue, the surface of this bronze statue is also smooth and has a visual…
Apollo has many attributes, but he wasn't originally the chariot-riding sun god Helios. He was god of prophecy, healing, music, archery, light, and truth, the twin brother of Artemis (Greek) or Diana (Rome) who became associated with the moon.…
Aengus is said to be remarkably handsome and had four birds that hovered about his head. These birds represent kisses and inspired love in all who heard them. Aengus as the god of love can be invoked among…
Ares was the god of war. He was the son of Zeus and Hera. Ares represents the physical and violent concept of war, compared to Athena who represents military strategy. Ares is very well known for being one of Aphrodite’s main lovers while she was married to Hephaestus. Symbols of Ares include a spear and a flaming torch.…
ERIS The Goddess of Strife and Warfare was, according to some, a daughter of Zeus and Hera (most, however, say she was a daughter of Nyx).…
"I want first to say how I must speak, and then to speak. For in my own opinion all the previous speakers did not eulogize the god but blessed human beings for the goods of which the god is the cause; yet no one has said what sort is he who makes these gifts." (194E-195A) He then goes on to suggest that the God of Eros is the happiest of the gods because he is the most beautiful. "I declare that though all gods are happy, Eros, (if sacred law allow it and it be without nemesis to say so) is the happiest of them, as he is the most beautiful and the best. As the most beautiful he is of the following sort: First, he is the youngest of gods, Phaedrus; and he by himself supplies a great proof for this assertion, for with healing flight he avoids old age-swift though it plainly is, coming on us, at any rate, swifter than he should. It is precisely old age that Eros naturally detests; he does not even come within hailing distance of it. He is always with and of the young." (195A-B) In this quote by Agathon, he implies that the God of Eros is the happiest of the gods because he is the youngest. He avoids old age, and only stays with and within the young. All obstacles old gods faced against each other have reformed in to peace since the God of Eros has ruled amongst them. "So it is plain that, when Eros came to be among them, the affairs of the goofed were arranged out of love and beauty_for there is no eros present in ugliness. But before that, as I said at the start, many awesome events tok place among the gods, as is said, through the monarchy of Necessity; whereas since the birth of this god, all good things have resulted for gods as well as for human beings from loving the beautiful things." (197B) This quotation by…
It is 85.24 cm long bronze statue. This statue is of a mythological god, Eros. Eros is the Greek god of love and sexual desire. He was also worshiped as a fertility god. This statue depicts Eros as a baby. The figure is in an exhausted and relaxing, reclining poses. The figure has pudgy limbs and curly hair. Unlike the “Seated statue of Gudea”, it has naturalistic detail. Which makes it realistic, and humanized besides the fact of it having wings on its back. According to the descriptions at the Metropolitan Museum, this statue in the Roman period served a purposed of decoration in the villa gardens and fountains. Its function in the Hellenistic period isn’t clear but possibly have been used as dedications within a sanctuary of Aphrodite or possibly erected in a public park or private, even royal,…
Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty. Her son was Eros, the god of love. She is also believed to have kept a watchful eye over sailors.…
Hephaestus, the Greek god of fire, is most revered for his master craftsmanship. In works of art he is usually depicted as a middle-aged smith working in his forge, often making a thunderbolt for Zeus. Born of Hera alone, he was cast down as a baby from Olympus by his mother for his defective ugliness and fell for a whole day before he hit the ground. Nine years after he was thrown from the heavens, he returned to Olympus and became one of the twelve Olympian Gods. With Zeus’s favor, he was able to marry Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who sadly never returned the love he gave to her. Hephaestus was loved by the mortals for his kindness and he had an important role in Athens alongside Athena. Nearly every weapon, piece of armor, or building of any importance was crafted by Hephaestus. Hephaestus, rejected by his mother for his ugliness, helped countless mortals and gods, married Aphrodite, and rose to Olympus to become the master craftsman honored by all.…
Eros represents literally love and symbolically, is the binding principle in nature. Eros represents sexual desire and…
Ares was the Greek god of war, but he was know to be cruel bet very handsome. Ares had no siblings, his parents were Zeus and Hera. The union of Ares and Aphrodite resulted in the birth of eight children, including Eros, god of love. Most of the time Ares could be found sitting on his throne covered with human skin holding his blood stained spear on Mt Olympus. Ares was disliked by both his parents. Whenever Ares appeared in a myth, it said he had a violent personality, who faced humiliation through his defeats more than once. There were few temples attributed to Ares in Ancient Greece. Sacrifices would usually be made to him when an army would march to war. Overall Ares was a Greek god who was cruel and had a very violent…
There are many things that shape the Greek world in the light of their identity; legends and myths, archeology, relationships, status, and much more. Myths is where some can find that gods are the sole creation of the Greek world due to the fact that they are the deity of the culture; without the gods there would be no extraordinary divine Greek and/or Roman culture. Within it there is a give and pull between the gods and mortal men as well as relation between Greeks and non- Greeks, the barbarians.…
He asked Muses to lead to the creation of gods. In the beginning, there was Chaos, the space where the creature took place. Then Gaia, which meant the earth, was formed, and the following was Tartaros, which could be represented as the underworld. Next, Gaia produced Ouranos (Sky), mountains and sea. Then, the power of desire (Eros) came along with Gaia and Tartaros, and then they led to the creation of the Day and Night. Also, Ouranos and Gaia led to the birth of the first real Gods. These gods were called Titans, and later, they fell in love with each other and got married. Then, they had a lot of kids. However, Ouranos tended not to be a fatherly character since he was already immortal and did not want to pass his power to his children. Because of this, Gaia felt really bad and wanted to punish her husband. Hence, the castration of Ouranos happened and the castrated organ was thrown in to the sea. However, this brought out the birth of Aphrodite. Finally, the new generation of gods showed…
The United States of America is a country where all people are created equal and treated as such. However, that is not the case. There is a legacy of discrimination and hate that stains the reputation the United States is known for. The American Mythology creates a perception of reality that is false. Throughout the last few months of the course I have learned the origins of this reality that Americans have created. This is an idea that is preserved through media and creates the American identity. The earliest stages of this identity can be found at the beginning of the nation.…
Ares was a god that was hard to like, with his cruelty and aggressiveness always getting in the way (Aken 18). Wherever he goes, he always uses his thunderous voice to aggravate or influence people, which cause them to cower before Ares, but not with respect (Aken 18). Every…