Leadership Framework
A Summary
© 2011 NHS Leadership Academy. All rights reserved. The Leadership Framework is published on behalf of the NHS Leadership Academy by NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, Coventry House, University of Warwick Campus, Coventry, CV4 7AL. Publisher: NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, Coventry House, University of Warwick Campus, Coventry, CV4 7AL. This publication may be reproduced and circulated free of charge for non-commercial purposes only by and between NHS-funded organisations in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland staff, and their related networks and officially contracted third parties. This includes the right to reproduce, distribute and transmit this …show more content…
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The 360° is a powerful tool to help individuals identify where their leadership strengths and development needs lie. The process includes getting confidential feedback from line managers, peers and direct reports. As a result, it gives an individual an insight into other people’s perceptions of their leadership abilities and behaviour. To assist with integrating the competences into postgraduate curricula and learning experiences, there is the LeAD e-learning resource which is available on the National Learning Management System and through e-Learning for Healthcare (www.e-lfh.org.uk/LeAD). The Clinical Leadership Competency Framework and the Medical Leadership Competency Framework are also available to specifically provide staff with clinically based examples in practice and learning and development scenarios across the five core domains shared with the Leadership Framework.
A summary version of the Leadership Framework follows, which includes the domains, elements and descriptors. Work-place indicators that demonstrate the practical application of the framework at the four stages are included as tables in the back of the document. The examples in practice are not included, however these are available in the full document as well as on the website