I could only imagine how Horace Miner felt when entering the Nacirema village. At first glance he must have had culture shock when learning about the daily mouth cleansing and the temples where some enter and never return. I came to realize that western cultures share many of the same daily rituals just like the Nacirema. This non-material culture has many reglionist beliefs such has the use of witch doctors, medicine men, shrines and oddly enough the Nacirema woman bake their heads in oven. In evaluating the culture of the Nacirema we can break down each of the beliefs and compare them to…
In the article Body Ritual Among The Nacirema by Horace Miner, he makes fun of people’s weaknesses, mistakes, foolishness, and wrong behavior. He uses confusing vocabulary words to make it hard for use to know who the article is talking about. Miner refers Nacirema as to America. He wanted to make Nacirema seem magical and silly by describing them as born with behaviors. Miner also, believes that Nacierma do bizarra thing because he does not understand the meaning behind their behavior. One of the behavior is the belief in the ugliness of human body. In society, we are told what is pretty from what is ugly. This is determined by models, hairdressers, barber shop, spa, and infomercial. As a society, we have the power to decided what is right…
When I read Body Rituals Among the Nacirema by Horace Miner the first time, I couldn’t imagine how a culture could behave this way and live their daily lives following these rituals. They believed that their bodies were ugly and its natural tendency was to debility and disease. They devoted much of their time trying to prevent these characteristics…
In this paper I discuss what point Horace Miner was trying to make is his paper titled "Body Ritual among the Nacirema". Horace’s paper is about America but in the perspective that America is a tribe of third world country or such. I go through the individual topics, which mostly make fun of American’s vanity, and I describe what he is really talking about. I try to summaries Horace’s paper and put it in “American” terms.…
The Nacirema are a North American group living in the territory between the Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawark of the Antilles. Little is known about their origin but people believe that they came from the east. These people concentrate on the human body, which is their main concern which makes the Nacirema unique in their rituals and ways of thinking. The Nacirema believe that the human body is ugly in the sense that it’s not perfect because it’s weak and prone to catch diseases. They believe that the only way to rid of these characteristics is through rituals and ceremonies.…
The Nacirema people believe that their bodies are ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease (Miner, n.d.). They use a “box or chest” which is built into the wall and filled with magical potions which are given by specialized practitioners. My first outlook on this is definitely viewing Americans and how we indeed are concerned with our bodies. Miner describes a “bathroom” as a shrine in which other cultures would view it as a place to worship ourselves. We have doctors whom issue a variety of medicines that are supposedly healing us of age, weight, depression and or other diseases. Cultural relativism is completely evident here within this article. To use the “shrine” as an example; other cultures do not look at medicine in a way which American culture does. We have doctors whom use scientific methods and use synthetic medications in order to heal. Amish culture believes everything should be on natural healing. Native Americans have a medicine man which believed in a combination of herbs and rituals that would heal the sick. It’s quite apparent that Miner is using his writing to show that cultures from all over could definitely look at the American culture and view us as barbaric for several things; such as the use of our medicines and…
The analysis of the article Body Ritual Among the Nacerima by Horace Minor uses key principles to help decipher the hidden meanings behind his work. The article is based off of Americans but written in a primitive manner to help show readers the importance of keeping an open mind. Cultural relativism is crucial when researching a new topic. This culture is different than others based on their obsession with physical appearance but it does not make them wrong. Also, the culture that practices different rituals has a different belief system. One culture may place great importance on preserving the land while…
Body Ritual among the Nacirema” tells the story of the “unusual aspect” lifestyle and the rituals of the Americans. Miner uses a unique approach to describe not Nacirema but the Americans by using an outsider's view, a person who does not understand American's lifestyle. Nacirema is American spelled backwards Miner writes about is every household having a “shrine room” and those individuals with more power contain more than one. He remarks that the shrines rituals ‘are not with family but are private”and the box or chest which contains “magical potions”. The “shrine room” Miner describes is the bathroom and the box with magical potions is the medicine cabinet. The most important potions are described to be obtained from the medicine man who writes it down on a piece of paper in an “ancient and secret language” then is taken to the herbalist. Miner is talking about the American culture the medicine men are doctors the ancient writing are the scribbles on the prescription forms that somehow the pharmacist can understand. This helps us (Americans) realize different things about our culture and see how others view our culture.…
Ms. Toews has trouble controlling her world, and her narrative sometimes feels lost and muddied. Tense is sometimes mixed, making one wonder if this is the present or if Nomi is older now, looking back. Interesting threads in relationships and characters are picked up, dropped off quickly, and are never seen again, or are picked up much later and consequently seem less relevant. And if the high points seem inscrutable, the low points are painfully obvious. Some metaphors seeem juvenile, like Nomi's dream that Jesus is staring down at her from the foot of her bed with a baseball bat "poised to smash in [her] head for a lie [she] had told" leave one with a sense of regret at their inclusion. Nomi is endearing and interesting, but Ms. Toews over-writes her and won't leave a moment of subtle poignancy alone.…
The annual visit to the the “Holy-mouth-man” can be paired with the annual visit a person makes with his or her dentist. The constant need to cover oneself in clothing parallels with the small signs usually seen outside public areas that require a person to wear shoes and a shirt before entering the building. American society has laws to enforce the rule and gives people the right to refuse service to an individual who does not comply. The Nacirema culture would be a small look into the future to modern American culture. There would not be a major difference in choosing to live in either culture. However the biggest difference would be the Namerica culture had a common ancestry while American culture has a mix of different ethnicities from the influx of immigrants and slaves throughout American…
Babcock, Michael A., and Matthew D. Pamer. The Story of Western Culture. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.…
The world on the Navajo Reservation is more corrupt than then past life of early generations. I would like to encourage our language to the youth, in order to save our traditions along with culture. In Navajo, the concept of peace is culture dependent, also situation . Independently to encourage the definition of peace within the Navajo Language that has three elements: Ach'i'hozho (all is well toward oneself), K'e (the establishment of family and clan relationships), Hodeezyeel (serenity or calm). Ach'i'hozho, K'e, Hodeezyeel are what a person is to strive for on a daily basis, where the process involves a balancing of kindness as well as empathy on one hand, including teachings on the other. Ach'i'hozho means a gift from elders; relates…
As one of the most dynamic countries that primarily use the English language, the United States is a wonderland in which each state has its own accent and that all Americans take pride in their own language culture. In the documentary film Do You Speak American?, celebrated journalist and novelist Robert MacNeil sets out on a journey all around the United States, exploring how the language of America defines, unites, and separates its people. The title of the film proposes an intriguing question: what does it mean by speaking American? Speaking American is not just a matter of speaking English, and the answer to that question is far more complex. According to this film, not all Americans speak English, and those who do tend to speak it in different ways. As MacNeil explains, the reasons American accents vary…
Importance to Anth: allows people to understand what it means to be human from an interdisciplinary standpoint…
and related differences in the behavior, norms, and expectations of particular groups of employees, managers, colleagues,…