Introduction Student Guide
Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn the differences between “Nanoscience” and “Nanotechnology.” Both are extremely exciting, but have distinct differences in what the people in these fields do. Throughout this lesson you'll be asked to research and discuss what is happening in nanoscience and nanotechnology. A lot is going on in both fields and the potential for a lot more is HUGE. Before coming to class Complete the on-line Knowledge Probe (KP) called KP: Nanoscience vs Nanotechnology.
Objectives At the end of this lesson you will be able to do the following: List several examples of nanoscience exploration and research activities List several examples of nanotechnology innovations and products Correctly apply the terms Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to different situations Tell another person what the differences are between Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Resources National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) web site: NNI site “What is Nanotechnology”: Nano Science and Technology Institute :
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Lesson Outline Pre-class assignment Knowledge Probe Before coming to class, you complete an on-line assessment of your current understanding of nanoscience vs. nanotechnology (KP – Nanoscience vs. Nanotechnology). In-class Activity: NanoScience vs. NanoTechnology In this activity you will develop your own definitions of nanoscience and nanotechnology based on current knowledge. You will be required to share your results with the instructor and other students as part of the class discussion. Discussion on the results of Activity You will share your definitions of nanoscience and nanotechnology with other students and the instructors. The discussion should cover the differences and similarities of each. The instructor