Nanotechnology in Information Technology—Applications the computer industry is already working on a nanoscale. The current production range is at 90 nil). 5 nm gates have been proven in laboratories, although they cannot he manufactured yet. By 2010 wordwide about $300 billion worth of semiconductor production oil! be nanotechnology based (including nanocomponents such as nanolayers. nanoscale treated in or other nanostructures). and by 2015 about S500 billion. Since. nanotechnology can reduce its basic features. CMOs will continue being used for a decade or more. The intermediate future will have CMOs married to a generation of nanodevices as yet undefined, because there are many alternatives, and it is still too earl' to tell which will prevail. One solution could be hybrid structure exploiting the advantages of today's CMOs technology (integration and scaling of transistors and high functional in on a small support). With off-chip opt-electronic interconnects to overcome the throughput bottlenecks.
9.1. I Report Highlights • The global market for nanotechnology will increase from $11.6 billion in 2007 to an estimated $12.7 billion bs the end of 2008. It should reach $27 billion in 2013. a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.3%. • Nanomaterials dominated the market in 2007. accounting for 87% of the total market. This is expected to decrease to 69.2% by 2013. • Electronics, biomedical and consumer applications have high projected growth rates of 30.3%. 56.2% and 45.9% over the next 5 years. Semiconductor development priorities by 2015. as the focus shifts from scaling and speed to system architecture and integration with user specific applications for bio-nanodevices to food
The term "manufactured nanoparticles- refers to particles that ha N e a physical size of less than 111(1 mil in at least two dimensions and are deliberately produced rather than merely emerging as a by -product in activities.