
Napoleon Animal Farm

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Napoleon Animal Farm
Animal Farm is an allegory written by George Orwell which revolves around a group of mistreated animals who take over their farm and start a revolution against human beings. In the story there are some leaders who impact the society around them like the animals on their farm and the other neighboring farms. Napoleon and Snowball are chosen to be the leaders on Animal Farm after Mr. Jones is exiled off the farm. Napoleon and Snowball have different communication and planning styles but their similar goal for power causes them to diverge away from each other. This causes the farm to collapse and creates havoc between the animals without the animals somehow realizing it themselves.In the story Animal Farm Snowball is a very smart and inventive pig who solves most of his problems strategically. The animals do not accept Snowball’s ideas and take him for granted whereas Napoleon is a fierce looking pig who is very clever and cunning and has a powerful voice to make many animals listen to him. Napoleon ends up stealing Snowball’s ideas and due to his …show more content…
He was not an effective leader. Due to Napoleon’s effort the farm is better, more prosperous and the windmill is completed. In the text it mentions that: ‘’The farm was more prosperous now, and better organized; it had even been enlarged by two fields which had been brought from Mr. Pilkington. The windmill had been successfully completed at last, and the farm possessed a threshing machine and a hay elevator of its own, and various new buildings had been added to it.’’(128-129). This piece of evidence explains that due to Napoleon’s leadership the farm is much better than it was during Mr. Jones time and has its own windmill which works and helps sustain the farm. Napoleon is an effective leader than Snowball and helped the farm cherish after Snowball was exiled from the farm, and it is in better hands which is told from the animals and Squealers

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