
Napoleon's Role In Animal Farm

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Napoleon's Role In Animal Farm
In the short ten chapter novel Animal Farm, the other pigs and Napoleon began the quest of taking over leadership of the farm long before the rebellion of Mr.Jones idea even took place. Old major was a show pig, who won many medals in his life. The other animals on the farms looked up to him due to old age, experience, intelligence and the having the ability to read. At the start of chapter two, we are immediately introduced with the death of Old Major, but it was even more of a purposeful reason for the other pigs to start the process of the rebellion in the honor of old Major sharing his knowledge that so-happened popped into existence from a dream the elder boar had, days before his funeral. Depending on what side of the animals is on …show more content…
Napoleon is smart—smart enough not to play much a role in the initial rebellion. It's only after the animals have rebelled that he takes a leadership role. When we meet his character, we learn that he's "a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a stuck reputation for getting his way." He is plain cruel hearted and manipulative from the start. To make the slightest matters worse, Napoleon stole puppies from their parents and raises them specifically to be his own army says: that he'll "make himself responsible for their education," and then raises them in isolation from the rest of the farm. During the election against snowball, he blows a loud whistle henceforth calling the pups forward from the shadows setting them on his candidate with his tail between his legs. So, Napoleon would win by …show more content…
However in fact he was using boxer for personal motives before he could reach retiring age Napoleon automatically thinks by changing the commandments around whilst giving him a controlling lever over the animal farm. The commandant are a set of rules and passages the animals abide by so they will have common grounds on the

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