
Why Is Napoleon So Brutal On Animal Farm

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Why Is Napoleon So Brutal On Animal Farm
Life on Animal Farm became more and more brutal after Napoleon took control and drove Snowball away. The pigs began to act just like the humans they had once despised, and the other animals grew exhausted with the broken promises. Benjamin the donkey realized that something needed to be done during this depressing period. He no longer wanted to see his comrades suffer and decided to finally speak up. Honestly, all the animals were sick and tired of Napoleon. He had been slaving them for so long. Even though the new animals had heard of the many great stories of Animal Farm, it was nothing like they expected. Clover, Benjamin, Squealer, and all the remaining animals began having secret meetings. The meetings became a place where the animals would voice their opinions and plan a …show more content…
The dogs howled and barked as loud as they could, but no one came. The pigs and Napoleon were too busy with the strike. Napoleon had no one to defend him now that the dogs were imprisoned and alone. He is now an open target. Benjamin went back to the strike to inform the rest of the animals on the dogs. “Your reign is over,” said Muriel, stepping forward. “We demand a fair system where all animals are treated equally.” Napoleon realized his power was slowly slipping away from his trotters. The animals are really adamant to stay together, despite his efforts to rally his supporters. When he attempted to flee, he was encircled and ultimately driven out of the barn permanently. The animals had little time to celebrate, but immediately prepared for another meeting. The animals met to vote on the new leadership. Benjamin was selected as the leader after much discussion because of his integrity and wisdom. “We will all lead together and every animal will have a say,” Benjamin announced. Under Benjamin's new leadership, he decided that he was going to reestablish regular

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