Although, Gary is diagnosed with a severe case of Narcissistic personality disorder, other related disorders that he may have involve Borderline, Histrionic, and anti-social personality disorder. In borderline personality disorder, the individual basically does not have a feeling of self, and, thus, encounters feelings of void and fears of abandonment. This disorder also fits the client because Gary is obsessed with his personal appearance and fear of growing old, this shows that he is suffering from feelings of emptiness and fears abandonment paying trying to stay young and fit in. This disorder
Although, Gary is diagnosed with a severe case of Narcissistic personality disorder, other related disorders that he may have involve Borderline, Histrionic, and anti-social personality disorder. In borderline personality disorder, the individual basically does not have a feeling of self, and, thus, encounters feelings of void and fears of abandonment. This disorder also fits the client because Gary is obsessed with his personal appearance and fear of growing old, this shows that he is suffering from feelings of emptiness and fears abandonment paying trying to stay young and fit in. This disorder